On the Threshold of WILD, not sure what I'm doing wrong.

My schedule gives me two hours or so in the early afternoon to attempt to WILD. I’ve been doing it lately and getting extremely close, but the actual LD never happens, and I’m wondering what I’m doing wrong.

Here’s what I do. I get an extremely comfortable spot on a chair in my room and browse the internets until I’m about to fall asleep. I then close my eyes and count, punctuation the counts with an “I’m dreaming”. Almost immediately I feel like I’m spinning. Around 50-100 I start to feel like I’m on a gently rocking boat(This feeling immediately preceded the only actual WILD I’ve ever had, which was unintentional) Around 200 my mind starts getting disordered, I start occasionally repeating and skipping numbers or jumping back to the previous tens place(Like 59, 60, 51, 52) and I can no longer keep up the “I’m dreaming”. At 350 or so I’ve completely lost my ability to count in order and start skipping back and forth by 20 or more. Shortly afterward I stop counting entirely. At this point the hypnagogia is very strong and I hear chiming noises, muffled voices saying random words, and see waves of shifting colors. I start having weird, broken hallucinations of doing things(Today I took a drink of Pepsi and then suddenly found myself back in bed, thirsty, and realized that there’s no Pepsi at my house). This is as far as it goes. I never go into a full dream or become lucid during my hallucinations.

Is there something specific I’m doing wrong, or am I just giving up too early?

You are simply giving up too early. The correct way to WILD is to wait until all the hallucinations completely fade away, and then imagine yourself in a dream scene. Hope that helps. :content:

Exactly. Keep going and you’ll get there!

do you count a number every time you exhale and inhale or both of then together as 1

My counting isn’t related to my breathing.

I said it before and I’ll say it again.
I consider that counting in WILD is wrong.I think it doesn’t help you.
I think it does the opposite of that.Why?

Because it requires concentration.When you do WILD, you must focus only on the HI, but not too much.When you are counting, you must think which number comes after the one you said.I prefer just breathing in and out, because it’s repetitive.Counting isn’t.Every number is different.

Just think: ‘‘Breathe in…and out…in and out…in…out, and so on.’’
Well, when I do that I fall alseep after 5-10 seconds :tongue: