One Of The Most Important Things About Trying to LD

This is one of the things that I consider crucial to being good at LDing. What you have to understand is that LDing isn’t hard. Most beginning LDer’s typically think “mam, it sure is hard”, obviously since this is a mental thing if you think its hard it will be hard. But once you realize and start to believe its easy to becomes one of the easiest things to do.

Keep this in mind and just convinve yourself this is easy and I can almost guarentee you will start havig more LD’s.

Good advise.
When I first started I thought it was hard as hell,But after my first few LDs I thought,Damn,This is easy.
Never had a problem after that.

im the same
is easy when you get better

Actually he’s right. Lding is very easy. It’s just self doubt that holds us back. As you go on you learn to break down those barriers.
I remeber reading someones sig around herre some where that explained it perfectly. It went like this: To think is to hesitate, To just do is to believe.
So all you really have to do is believe in yourself and remember that anything is possible it all depends on you!

i still believe it is hard but i have had to ld’s but they were random. But i do tell myself, “This is my own mind not somebody elses and i i will lucid dream” i try and says that when i start to doubt my abilities to LD.

C_Mon, because you think LDing is hard, it is going to hold you back. After all if you’re consently telling yourself “man this is hard” you’re going to make it hard because LD is completly a mental thing

A big amen to that! I have said the same thing countless times. Attitude is definitely the biggest obstacle people have to overcome. When I first started, I too had the belief that lucid dreaming was hard. That is until I had my first one and I became awakened to how wrong my thinking was. I wanted to kick myself in the can for making things so hard on my self.

It’s so hard to try to get that in your head…

It’s easy, so like, wtf. :razz:

Yup I think you are right about that Lucidity_Master. The problem is that you really have to believe that for it to work. If you just think it’s easy but don’t believe it it doesn’t work that well but if you really “feel” it’s easy it should be easy :cool: That would also explain the month where I had 18 LDs, I expected to get one every morning and I guess it worked. And yesterday I really tried to convice myself that I would have a LD this morning and I had 2 LDs :cool_laugh: But that might also have been because I did a proper WBTB :tongue:

I believe I coud become good at it if I gave myself more time, If I could have a holiday with nothing else to worry about except dreaming. One of my problems is going to bed too late so all I can think of is how many hours till I have to wake up. But possitive attitude definitely helps.

thanks for the wisedom everyone, i’ve been thinking the same thing but now i see the error of my ways, being a novice myself and i’ve been letting all the stress of reality affect my abilities, but your right Lucidity Master, thanks for the pick me up…

I didn’t think LD was so hard but then it took a while for my first LD and I started to doubt my ability to LD.
Then after about two weeks off from trying to LD I had my first LD. The thing is, I KNOW it’s easy, but I still can’t do it. I don’t know if I lack the skills or anything or if it’s just that it’s normal for some ppl to have few LD’s when you first start with it.

Yeah, I like what you’re saying Jarod. You do definatly havfe to believe to will work, not just think its easy