Even if you become lucid once, you will still have to work for it (or just let it happen). Sorry, but it won’t come easy after you get it the first time. Some people get them much easier and more often after they practice, and feel what lucid dreaming is like over and over again. But, no, it is very rare to be able to lucid dream whenever you want.
I heard the opposite. I am nowhere near that point but lucid dreaming becomes easier with practise. But not to the point where you have them whenever you want without even trying. But then again you have more spontaneous LDs. And obviously when you know your dreams well enough and have experience and conditioned yourself to recognise dreamsigns and question reality, It’s not going to take as much reminding and autosuggestion.
What I think is better to look forward to is when the practise of counting or whatever becomes easy and enjoyable and not a chore.
coolliza, that depends on you.
The sad truth is that it is different for different people. It could be that once you start having LD’s, that it just gets easier and easier. It could be that it gets somewhat easier but then stays at that level. You might even end up giving up before you have an LD.
The most likely thing to happen is that it will get easier, but not so easy that you can have LD’s whenever you want to, and that you will have periods when it is very easy and then dry spells where it just doesn’t seem to work.
LDíng is like just about everything else, the more you work at it, the easier it gets. There are some monks who are always lucid, both asleep, and awake, but most of us just don’t have the time and willpower to spend the next ten to twenty years developing this ability. So just do what you can, and enjoy what you get.
The longest LD’s that I have had were DILD’s. I didn’t do any techs. to get them, so they were unintentional. I just suddenly new that I was dreaming.
Most of the LD’s that I have had have been from WILD. They are shorter, but I can get them more often.
Unfortunately, right now I am in the middle of a long dry spell. I have just started to recall my dreams in the last few days. I have been under a lot of stress, and that makes it hard for me to have LD’s or remember my dreams.
when did u first get LD
was it b4 u knew of LDing or after that?
and when u first got lucid i.e. u realised that u were
dreaming what did you do?
like… fly / teleport yourself.
how old were you then?