How do you think it is better to practice RC, by performing only one type of RC every time or by having some of them and using one or another indistincly?
In my case I succeed in the past with just watching my digital clock. Pitty I don’t have one nowadays, so these days that I’ve started practicing again I’m just doing random RC’s: Sometimes I would watch my cellphone’s hour, sometimes I would count my fingers, sometimes look at my nose… Maybe this is not the correct way to proceed and I have to focus in just one RC type?
It’s good to know few types of RC, to be sure that you are in dream, and get more lucid. I am practicing olny one RC way, and it works for me. Counting fingers is safest way. In dream you can just dont see any clocks. Hands are always near, and i heard that nose RC sometimes fails fo a few people. Altrough not for everyone.
So: I focused on hand RC and it works for me. If you want to get more lucid, firstly get lucid by one type of RC and then do few others.
Thanks. I’ll try focusing on the fingers RC. Nevertheless, the clock RC used to work pretty good for me, and it was funny because I would look at my watch in a dream and see weird stuff like 666 or random number sequences changing so fast, even messages in it like: “you are in a dream, buddy!”
I think one of the best RC’s is squeezing your nose with your fingers and trying to breath. In real life you can breath, but in a dream you can when your nostrals are closed. I do that then look at my finger to be fullproof. In my opinion the noseplogging RC is pretty guarenteed to be correct.
I alwyas used the nose one in the past.
Now i find the fingers one more diskrete andm silent , but it happends i use the nose one too when realloy unsure