Generally, in my lucid dreams, my vision is somewhat blurred; objects and scenes lack the definition that they have in real life. It seems to me that clear vision in lucid dreams is something that comes with practice.
But I had an odd experience last night. I had a lucid dream in which there was one extremely vivid object. I was in my bathroom, and most things looked blurred, as usual, but the doorknob on my bathroom door looked fantastically real. In fact, it was so sharp and defined, it looked more real than in real life. I stared at this doorknob for a while before continuing with my dream.
I’ve never heard of one object being extremely vivid while others are blurred, and I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this. It was very cool!
I have read about certain objects being hyper-real, as in, more real looking than their real life counterparts. It has to do with the fact that you’re not perceiving with your eyes, but perceiving with your mind, so there is no physical boundary of interpretation. While I’ve never had any similar experiences, it is a known phenomena. It’s interesting that it was a doorknob, though, of all things. Just curious, was it super-real before or after you touched it?
Yeah a doorknob do seem… random…
But I tend to get quite a lot of metaphores in my dreams, or at least I see them as metaphores. Maybe this doorknob stands for something; you need to open something, acces something, get somewhere and now you are looking into a way to get there? Just a thought… might be completely wrong.
Btw I am happy about doorknobs… imagine a world without them?
In one of my last LD, I land in neighbor’s backyard, I don’t know why I land it there, but then on one of the tree I saw this red card, it was hanging just like some decoration, and I was maybe 4 or 5 meters away from this tree, and just like BeRightBack said I zoomed in on this card… I could see it clearly, and the interesting thing was that all environment was gray, no colors, and like I said the card was red… Only color in the dream , and then I zoomed on it, and I want to grab it using some kind of telekinesis… but then I woke up… So I could say that it was something similar to Faceless example…