oobe in nrem

can u have an oobe in n rem or does it have to be in rem, and does this answer wether it is a dream or not :smile:


I read somewhere that we have 90 minute sleep cycles that repeat through the night and if Im not mistaken lds happen in the stage before r.e.m. sleep. But if you make the suggestion to yourself you will stay lucid through R.E.M. So I guess the answer to your question is yes. :eh: 1) You can induce an o.b.e. from a lucid dream or 2)Induce an o.b.e. through consious r.e.m. sleep. Go to sleepchannel.com for more info on the different stages of sleep.

Peace :cool:

No. I am pretty sure that LD’s happen, like every dream, in REM sleep.

OBE’s, on the contrary, can even happen when brain activity (EEG) is completely zero. That’s one of the things that makes me doubt about wheter an OBE is a dream or not.

I am especially interested in this question, because I can come close to WILD, only when going to sleep in the evening (so no WB2B). (see big WILD topic posting of today) I would like to add: “can I OBE when WILD-ing at night? and it that easier than LD-ing?” that question would bring us a step closer to the answer to timeless_soul’s question.

TS, by the way; thanks for bringing this issue up! I am very interested!


i guess by no brain activity you are refering to NDE rather than OBE? as far as i know no brain activity would = brain death??

but intersting question.

My god! There was this guy who everyone hated called Humble at my old forum, and he always ended his posts by saying “peace”. If you don’t wanna turn into him then don’t ever do that again…

I kid, I kid. You can say peace as much as you like!

NDE has the same symptoms as OBE (viewing yourself from above and getting into strange worls) so I see NDE as a type of OBE.

Thats funny Wannabe, say how do you get your hair to stand up like that? :eh: Now thats funny :cool_laugh: he, he just kidding

“…and if Im not mistaken LDs happen in the stage before r.e.m. sleep. But if you make the suggestion to yourself you will stay lucid through R.E.M.”

Lds happen in the same time as normal dreams do-in REM.New theories say we can also dream in non rem periods but theres a little doubt to it.Many people take vivid hypnagogisc as dreams.
Worth to mention- Rem cycle happens indeed every 90 mins but its possibile that if you`re in sleep debt REM can start faster than in 90 mins,even right off.
You see the picture then.

Obes…hmm…we dont even have a proper definition for them or rules saying wheter its one or not so answering the question when is bit difficult.Assuming that they are something different than lds id say they can happen anytime and you dont even have to be asleep for that.Just relaxed and i guess talented somehow.

Thats right Jack. You don’t have to be asleep to have an OBE. I have done it. There is actually a lot of books covering projection from an awake state.

hmm thank you sorry not not saying anything i have been off teh forun for a while i was taking your advice Insane_goth

anyway that you it has cleared up some of my mind :cool:

i had a very interessting sorta obe yesterday wher i was med and then i broke that off and just lyed down on my bed. I felt my rb and than i felt as if my mind were floating above me. I could feel both my real boby and my mind bosy. I didnt have anywill to step out so to speak but i just floated about 2 cm off teh bed. but i was still inside my real body.

umm think abou it like this. when u are on bed and you are going to sleep and you can feel your body, i felt that as normal but also felt a mind body a sorta seperated conciousness that was halfway in my body and half way out. Could this be a form of an oobe or is this just an effect of med.



jjj you can have lds in rem sleep and in non rem sleep like normal dreams also happen in rem sleep and non rem sleep.
Most of my lds are in non rem sleep…how i know…because i had a eeg machine connected to my computer and monitored my sleep 4 10 years.

Timeless_soul what u had was not an obe but a trance stage.
Everyone who is practising wild, hypnosis or dream yoga is going through a trance stage, from there u can go further into rem sleep or ap.
Sp or sleep paralyses is also common in a trance stage.


thanx that helps so i guess i need a little more push huh

Yes you entered the crosspoint that is in between waking and sleep!
Dont think only of your goal (a obe), enjoy the new world your experiencing :smile: Explore explore and enjoy :wink:


i have head some interesting things llike you can stay out there as long as you want, meet people and talk about it later to them.

what things can be done here?


What u can do there…mm many things…

1.preparation 4 wild
2. sp
3.sp and enjoy the power of suggestion…in otherwords great for self hypnosis.
4. hear voices and sounds
5. yes if u know what u are doing u should be able to obe from there.
How ever obe is a few levels deeper in sleep then that.
6 trance
7.meditation/or dream yoga
8. a bit chakra opening to.
9. experiencing chi flow.

And many things more probably but these are the main things.

wow not bad at all. i will keep this in mind for next time

