"OOBE sortof by accident" - GRRRRRRR(Help) *NT


Well you see, I have just recently started to lucid dream and a few nights ago I was laying in bed repeating “Im going to dream and I’m going to be lucid” just like the web site said, and i slipped into and OOBE sortof by accident, when I was jolted back to reality I was pretty shaken, I have never bofor expirenced anything like it. Now I can’t stop haveing OOBEs and i don’t really like it, it freaks me out. Any suggestions?

Also, last night, I was dreaming, but not lucid, and I did a reality check (Unintentionally) and my finger went strait through my hand, but itdiden’t occur to me that I was dreaming :grrr: now I’m angrey, help?!

Some comments :

  • generally, when you stop making efforts, you have less and less lucid dreams. So, you don’t need to panic. If you don’t want to have LD’s, you won’t have LD’s.
  • stop to be freaked out by OOBEs. Why are you afraid with OOBEs ?
  • are you sure you experienced OOBE ? As you relate a DILD technique, it looks very like a dream about OOBE ! (…what wouldn’t be very strange, with a nick like yours, Astral Projector ! ) :grin:

Hmmm ??? How din’t you realize you were dreaming ? I’m curious to know how your dream explained this incredible phenomenum !
Don’t worry if your first dream RC’s don’t work. You can practice a little MILD in order to realize, next time, that when your finger goes through your hand, it’s a dream (it seems very easy, indeed ! :tongue: ). Anyhow, I’m sure that the fact you become aware that this RC (incredibly) didn’t work, will make it reliable in very few dreams.

Astral i wouldn’t be annoyed. Be thankful that you are having OOBE’s and it is another step closer. I wouldn’t be too angry about you not noticing that you where dreaming. Think yourself lucky that you remembered to RC in your dream this is very difficult for some people and the more you practice the better you will become and you WILL have lucid dreams it just takes time. And you have only been trying for a week so i’d say this is very good progress.

I guess the RC didn’t work, because you weren’t taking it as a RC - you did it by accident.

Same thing happened to me last night. Except I did it six times. In the same dream. And never. Became. Lucid.


Ah well Muffin, better luck next time, eh :tongue:?

don’t feel bad, two nights ago I was in a dream, was sure of it, but my hand had all 4 fingers (and my thumb, which isn’t a finger). So I tried holding my nose, and let me tell you, that’s the first time I did it in a dream, and it’s very weird holding your breath and pinching your nose but still breathing lol.

But as soon as I did it and realized I was dreaming, I woke up. :sad:

Don’t worry Chris, that just happens some times :/.

Uhg, I took a nap this morning and guess how many times I looked at a clock (wich continued to change) and dident go lucid, oh well practice makes perfect I guess.

well regarding the OOBES…

(…what wouldn’t be very strange, with a nick like yours, Astral Projector ! )
Seems you found the reason why I chose the name ^_^, after they dident stop I was just like hay! Yeah…

stop to be freaked out by OOBEs. Why are you afraid with OOBEs ?

It’s because i’v never felt anything like it befor and the whole prospect of the spiret seperation from the body makes me challenge the safty of the practice, I mean I like my body and would like to keep it in my wakeing hours

Astral i wouldn’t be annoyed. Be thankful that you are having OOBE’s and it is another step closer. I wouldn’t be too angry about you not noticing that you where dreaming. Think yourself lucky that you remembered to RC in your dream this is very difficult for some people and the more you practice the better you will become and you WILL have lucid dreams it just takes time. And you have only been trying for a week so i’d say this is very good progress.
Your right, I couldent find one thing to challenge in that, excpet that I dident TRY to do an RC, but I guess that makes me luckier :slight_smile:

[i]Same thing happened to me last night. Except I did it six times. In the same dream. And never. Became. Lucid.

I feel your pain

Well anyway, thanks guys, you’ve all helped ^_^, if someone could get back to me on the safety of Asteral Projecting, I’d appreciate it.

Remind yourself that next time that happens, you’ll become lucid

Yah, I had the same once,
I was in a very absourd situation, and I thought “this could be a dream, I will look at my fingers and see if they get blured…” SO I looked and after a few seconds they got blured and wavy. And I thought “pity its not a dream but it very well could be” … So did not become Lucid either

OOBE’s are a subset of LD’s. There is nothing dangerous in LDing. Lots of dreamers have practised LDing and OOBEing for years, and it’s harmless.

Indeed as Basilus Wes writes they are one and the same phenomenon (exept NDE-OBE’s probably but thats altogether another story). So dont worry about safety you aren’t really leaving your body it all happens in your mind. Next time you ‘OBE’ try to remember this and perhaps just fly away through the window and have a nice LD! Good luck.

I think we should experiment with OOBE’s in more detail, to see if we can come to a full proof conclusion as to whether they are a subsect of LD’s or whether or not you really are leaving your body.

By ‘we’ I mean ‘people who can OOBE’ cos I can’t (though I have come close to one of the methods I have read - basically WILD but sort of rolling out your body… maybe I should learn to OBE so I can experiment with it myself. Hm…) :confused:.

Sureal what you propose a lot of people have been trying to do. But since really anyhting in a LD can happen (your mind can imagine anything) it is hard to find out if an OBE is real from inside (while having one). Some say ‘evidence’ is in the fact that some people can ‘see’ things when they are in an OBE which are true, but which they could not have known. However if you keep an open mind this could aswell be a form of ESP and anyway these cases are extremely rare. In all my OBE’s i have never had an opportunity to test this also since details are always slightly different from IRL.

Perhaps a scientific approach can divulge more information, since it is known that OBE’s happen at the same time dreams occur, so the visual cortex of the brain is active in producing images (just as happens in a LD). In my opinion this cant be coincidence. People having OBE’s say they leave their body but at the same time they get visual input from their brain?

Well, isn’t there a way we could check whether or not the person is in REM during the time period they claim to be OBE’ing? we’d need two or more people who live close enough, with at least one of them able to OBE.

Also, in a lab and with the right equipment, couldn’t we read the brainwave activity.

We could tell the OBE’er (before they go OBE’ing of coarse) to do a certain action that could cause a reaction with the sleeping body if they were dreaming (eg. something scary, something erotic, etc) and then record whether or not their physcial bodies react in the expected away (if you really are leaving your body, then you’re body shouldn’t react like that).

Sureal those are very good ideas and I should say that indeed people have been doing those tests you propose already!

For examples see


You will see that during OBE’s there was mostly beta and theta brainwave activity. Being asleep, this means you are most likely dreaming (neurotransmitters are active at this stage that induce dreams from visual cortex). Yet they found no REM, but it could be the absence of REM indicates lucidity (remember that Laberge used eye movements to signal lucidity, so those ppl had no REM at that moment either).

Your last comment on seeing how the body reacts on, for eample, an erotic OBE episode, would be very interesting indeed. But does the fact that the EEG of an OBE-er show that he/she is in alpha/teta brainwaves not already prove that the whole thing is an internal event rather then a happening where part of a person disconnects from their body?

Actually, LaBerge discovered that LD’ing (or rather - nealy all LD’ing) takes place during REM :wink:.

Well then if their eyes move uncontrolably, how could they signal?

Taken from lucidity.com - lucidity.com/SleepAndCognition.html