Well I don’t think that there are any big topics on this so I was hoping that some people could shed some light on this subject. I personally have never experienced either but wanted to know the differences.
I just read this article about the OBE’s:
Thought some may find it interesting.
Sorry, just couldn’t let this one go by. The article suggests that you can stimulate the brain to produce OBE. The important thing to note here is that the woman in this case is an eplileptic. There was a famous experiment a long time ago that said you could electrically stimulate parts of the brain and produce memories from the past. It was later learned that this only worked on epileptics. Reseach now suggests that the “brain” doesn’t store experience anywhere.
I have had both LD’s and OBE’s. The difference for me is: in an LD I know that I am dreaming and that I am in a dream world. In an OBE I know that I am dreaming, but that I am in the real world.
96% of my LD’s are WILD’s and most of those starts like OBE, so almost all my LD’s are happening in real world enviroment.
But those are just dreams, there is no such thing as astral travel.
So soothsaye, are you saying that you can’t astrally travel or that you think there in’t such a thing? I thought it was possible but never done it because I never had an OBE, but have heard a few interesting stories. You just think that everything is LD?
T4lk m0r3 laTr,
Yes, I was trying to say that in my opinion OBE = LD.