opening your third eye.

Tell us of your meditating excersizes!

I was liying down a comfortable way (somethimes close the lights and burn a candle) or I get out to the garden and sit or lie down on grass relaxed. I close my eyes, begin to imagine I am near a seaside and the sun is rising from the horizon. First a yellow light coming and consantrating above my
head. Then a blue ligh cames and consantrates on my third eye. And it goes
on like this until all colors of light consantrate on my chakras and fill
all my body. Then I try to create a blue light surrounding me. I was
feeling that blue aura or light covering and protecting me all the time. In
time I could enlarge the protecting blue light fill my room, my house, my
children, etc. Once I was in a meeting and the people were near a fight I
tried this, and fill the room with blue light. They all end the meeting with
friendship. I was also try to consantrate on sunbeams and see the particules and observe them. An other
way was trying to imagine a white light getting out of me or from my third eye, reaching to sky
or top of a mountain and connecting to higher lights. One other thing she
adviced me was to bath with some special herbs. For example pine oil burned
all my friends skin but it did nothing to me.


Thanks for sharing elif, I’m sure this will come to help MANY. It will for me at least :smile:

but how do u open it???

I can’t really define it. Third eye is at a point in between your eyes and a little over. And ofcourse you don’t really open it. it’s one of your chacras and when it opens your clairvoyance, pisi etc abilities get more, you begin to see peoples auras and events. This is something I experienced but I am not a specialist or anything about it. But when other friends asked her she said that not everyone has it. :eh:


I always thought of your third eye as the one you use when you dream. to look into yourself. or maybe I’m just wrong.

Your third eye is always open only not always at the same level!
It has a direct connection with the brainstem and plexus solaris…those 3 spots control your waking and sleeping consciousness…the circle from waking to deep sleep and back…


Does anyone here know if the third eye has anything to do with “magnetite.”

Birds and turtles use magnitite as compasses and can detect the earth’s magnetic field. I recenty heard that humans have a concentration of magnetite in the same location of the brain that people refer to as the “third eye.”

Does anyone know if magnetite is the thrid eye? Or if it plays some role?

Well magenite or magenetism i presume?
The third eye is not magnetite it works on chi or prana also ki…witch u maybe could call electromagnetism…u can develop your third eye by focussing attention and breathing on that spot…if it was just magnetism that wouldnt do much!

Elif, that’s amazing! Do you know how much work it takes to be able to see aura’s for most people? To be able to send HEALING energy? Dreams that tell you the future? My advice is that you test this third eye, study it, learn what you are right to be afraid of and what you aren’t. Excercise these powers, and don’t let it go! Thanks for sharing you’re excercises, I’m definitely going to spend some time on that. Here’s a site for the ones who wanted to know about how to open the chakras: … akras.html

And Elif, try to reopen your Third Eye, do whatever you have to do, because this power is amazing, you can’t just discard it. :smile:

Imagine…the basic thing for anyone to use the thirdeye is talent and that u cant learn or buy u are born with it or not…
If u are born with the talent u can develop it if not all those teachings dont do verry much…of course a bit…but not much.
The rule for using and experience chakra’s is verry simple…u have to be able to be aware of low brain waves like delta or theta…delta is best!
if not your talent for this will aways be most your imagination and not a real talent to use it…breathing…focussing attention and lower brainwaves and you can perfectly use and be aware of chakras…there is no secret jusat this simple basic principle…in the far east they no this 4 centuries…
But here in the west we make everything commercial…the far east just smiles…(talent, good teacher and hard work)… :wink:


That’s awesome stuff elf. I have worked on opening my third eye and I can see people’s auras but never any of the other stuff you mentioned.

When you talk about seeing auras, do you just glance at a person and see it, or do you have to have them stand still, and meditate, concentrate on something special, and stuff like that?

Pinkster :lmao:

Lately I haven’t consentrated on dreaming and my dream recall has dropped dramatically. Last night I tried self-hypnosis for the first time, but I couldn’t get to the trance state.

I stopped trying that and started to open my chakras for the first time. I only felt “tingling” when i opened chakras at palms of my hands and especially feet. I closed chakras and went to sleep. My dream recall last night was significant compared to other nights in this and last month. :smile:

It might be just coincidence, but I think there is more to it.

link to self hypnosis[/url]

the link has (url) in the end heres the real one

I tired some of the tech, the one that you picture your head opening like a flower. Well i felt lots of tingles and i notice that my eyes were moving alot, but i couldnt imagine a flower opening on top of my head for some reason, and i went down from the Crown to the bottom to see if i can open chakras. Lots of feeling but nothing opening…am i doing this right, i can use the embarassetment… lol:

For seeing aura’s, alot of it does depend on natural talent, but once you learn to do it, which is possible by the way, it depends on how much you use it. If you stand still it is definetaly much easier for you to see it. But if you practice alot, I wouldn’t say just a glance would do it, but you’d only half to concentrate for a few seconds.

I read about this a couple of months ago… and indeed i have the same thing… really weird… I wonder myself what can cause this.

I used to get that tingling thing - my dad told me about it. He held a plastic object there and it tingled but it doesn’t work now, not much.
So how exactly do you open your third eye and what can you do once its opened?

I have a book about buddhism that has some info about the “third eye” and other chakras. It says, that “by concertating on your chakra during meditation, the chakra will gradually open. When the chakra is nearly opening you can suddenly hear strange voices, but don’t worry, it only means your chakra is opening, youre not going crazy. When your chakra opens, it gives you paraphysical talents and overknowledge.”

This, I guess, is what elif experienced. :alien: