i posted a thread about me having a OBE or dreaming i was having an OBE during a dream.
One of the replies were “if you were having a lucid dream you would know it” (or something similar) that got me to thinking, my dreams always feel the same from a young child to now (i’m 21) recently i have had a dream that in retrospect i KNOW was a LD, yet it felt no different during it to any dream.
I came to the conclusion that all the dreams i remember are actually “weak” lucid dreams. I have 2 types of the dreams the type were i seem to interact in basic ways and remember on waking, and dreams i know i had but don’t remember them.
which brings me to my next point, a few months ago i had a dream during which everything started to change. I don’t mean the scenary or anything like that i mean the feelings, the sensations you feel during a dream. As through i was become more aware or where i was, and i went to a house and found myself with this woman. She had a kind of gothic look. unfortunately i never wrote the dream down as i forgot the dream very quickly, the only thing i remembered was her. During this dream i felt like i was drunk, and therefore wasn’t taking everything in.
On waking i knew the dream was important in some way, but had no idea why.
About 28 days later i had a second dream, i went to see this woman again, she looked the same except she now had redish parts in her hair. We had a conversation most of which i didn’t remember. But the last thing she said was “it’s been a month, you have a week left to decide if you need my help.”
Unfortunately because i did not remember the previous dream i wasn’t sure what was really happening and before i could ask i woke up. In retrospect i realised that i “knew” this woman and had dreams of her in the past. Unfortunately i have not dreamed of her since.
could anyone shed light on this, any ideas of or just some oppinions/questions that might help me found out etc.
Woah! That’s like really spooky! Well, it sounds it to me from what I’ve read.
It sounds so deep and meaningful. I wish I knew more about dreams to be able to help you out, but I’m afraid I can’t really.
I’m curious to know what this woman represents, and why she thinks you might need her help but she’s not sure.
Maybe there’s some kind of important event that is about to happen, and this woman appearing and offering to help you, somehow represents some kind of decision that you need to make about the approaching event?
Sorry I’m being a bit vague here, but I’m not an expert on dreams at all, and I wanted to reply to your message because nobody else had yet and, well, I thought it was really deep and spooky and stuff.
spooky moi? I like spooky things i find them kind of inviting and exciting
I too would like to know the significance of this woman, as i said before i felt i knew her - i can only assume she is some kind of spirit guide.
I have no idea what the event may have been, i personally had no foresight to this event. I think later i will go over my dream diary and see if i can find out a little more… like the date. Might help me see if there was any event that was about to happen.
Oh, me too, I know exactly what you mean! I love all things weird and spooky. I even like going for long walks in the dark. I once walked through the woods on the hill in a hailstorm and lightening.
Hey, that makes sense! Maybe she was referring to your dream world, or something to do with help regarding exploring lucid dreams? I have heard people here mention dream guides, but I don’t know much about them.
Hmm, I´d ask her to explain herself before going to bed, and intend to meet her in the dreamworld.I think you should find something about “dream incubation” in here.
Then perhaps she will show up again, or she wont but your dream will explain it a little