I have many times wondered about this topic, however, always decided not to touch it, on this board, or with my fiends in detail. However, noting that discussions on these boards surface violence, passion, freedom etc. I finally felt confortable to open the following discussion.
Dreams are a place for, well, dreams, and fantacies of all sorts. Some of these dreams are distinguished as ‘wet’, involving orgasms. However, the term ‘wet’ can sometimes be misleading, and it is here the topic becomes quite interesting. After becoming lucid, it is fully possible to “satisfie yourself” in a sexual act without the physical, ‘wet’ part, eg. seemen ejection. Hence, multiple orgasms are possible for men if the firs one doesn’s awaken you. Surprisingly, these orgasms are also as reals as real can be and feel. Or are they?
All of the heretofore is based on my own experience, as a man. My question is, is this common, and if so, for women or men. If you feel the topic to be too personal, a simple “yes I think” or “no” is more than good.
I don’t know how common it is, but I’ve experienced “dry” dreams a number of times. I would say that the sexual experience in a dream can be as good or better than IRL. There are two big threads on “Sex in Dreams” - the link to the first one is below.
most of my lucid sex dreams ended with me waking up and needing to chang my boxers
i think i only had a dry orgasm once or twice. and is anybody else like REALLY sexually sensitive in dreams than compared to waking life. it’s like i ejaculate in a dream as soon as i make any kind of sexual contact. i’m not sure if it’s cause i’m dreaming or because of these sexual energy cultivation exercises i do shrug
This may sound weird but i actually get an orgasm from spinning in dreams. I also feel electrical vibrations/tingling all over my dreambody and my dreambody feels very light… This “orgasm” last until i wake up 10-30seconds later… Yeah you heard right, spinning wake me up :\
actually i dont… I have no clue whatsoever of why spinning has such a weird effect on me.
It does indeed make my dream clearer for a few seconds, and all senses are sharpened. But it dosent last long, since i wake up pretty fast, which i suspect is due to that orgasm.
since dry orgasms in men are possible when awake i see no reason why they wouldn’t be possible during dreams.
As far as sensitivity goes for dream sex, i generally find sensations either like RL or damnpend - however other simple contact is hightened. Both wet dreams i’ve had (that i know about) weren’t even cause by sex dreams
as for ‘dry’ orgasms - i wouldn’t know it’s not the orgasm that generally wakes me but the feeling of being wet.
Maybe its a girl thing …but I’m with Goth. The actual sex has less feeling but leading up to it I tend to feel things super vividly. In one I crawled across the bed ( it was a suprize attack…lol) and could physically feel the sheets and the bed indenting where I touched it, I can feel clothing, both being touched and touching to a freaky degree. The first time I kissed someone, …I pulled back in shock …you would swear it was totally real. But actual penetration does not feel like RL - but still have great orgasms. Except once when it turned really nasty and violent and actually shocked me out of my body in to an OBE.
Another strange thing I suprized myself with was once blurting out to a DC - that I was “in danger of falling in love with him”. Thought at the time what a crazy thing to say but bugger me - woke up and felt love sick something severe for a week. Thank god that went away … was very disturbing…lol
Ive had few orgasms in my lds.Only couple of times i managed to dream through them and keep lucidity.Anyways-while being in the dream i was sure im gonna have my bed wet and to my suprise it never really was.Orgasms felt just as good as rl life ones or even better sometimes.
Interesting thing about this males multiply orgasms i gotta try it out one day when i finally have my lds more stable.
Btw-friend of mine,a girl is a natural lder.As many naturals she does not see it as a big thing and saying shes interested in it is said too much(how i envy those ppl and how i dont understand them!
Anyways, she can have sex in herd lds and cause as many orgasms as she wishes till she cant take it anymore and wants to wake up.Now thats a skill id give my balls away for!
i do remember one sex thing that was actually sensitive, i was on the kitchen floor (dunno whose house lol) and a girl i used to know at school litterally just came up and jumped on me a very quick ride and left.
the sensation was mindblowingly sensitive, but that’s the only dream i remember that had high sensitivity in sex.
yeah WE HAVE TO MAKE IT SO OUR GENDERS DISPLAY WHEN WE POST! ITS SO ANNOYING! In the chat too cause I called two girls males on accident. I just can’t tell! At first I thought Tripper was a guy… then I read her sex posts and had to infer from style of writing if (s)he was gay or if she was a girl…
P.S. if her husband reads this post, go read Trippers LD Diary and then burn Mathew Mc(doh i cant spell it)ay’s house!!
I think it is funny to guess if someone is male or femal, just from his style and things he/she writes about.
Why should it be annoying, doesn´t matter anyway (as long as I never get to meet anyone of you )