From reading other peoples’ dream journals, I know it’s fairly common to hear music in dreams. sometimes even original compositions. I was wondering if anyone has been able to write down in music notation something they had heard in a dream, but wasn’t a piece they recognized.
In recent dreams, I’ve heard:
a) In D minor, on cello: D D A - - F D -. (I’ve written that in 4/4 time. I might have misheard a 3/4 time D D A – F D - - - - -). That D is D2; it’s in the bass part.
In style, it vaguely reminds me of O Fortuna from Carl Orff’s Carmina Burna, although that has a completely different bass line (notes are C, A and D. if I recall correctly).
b) On a theremin, I’m not sure in which key, 3/4 time: X X X - X X.