interesting story, I was on the edge of my seat.
Anyways, try to add some more slides and make it more funny
Okay, I added a preloader. But I think I’ll do that.
Is it just me or does the “see for yourself” thing lead back to imageshack?
EDIT: I’ll fix that tommorrow.
funny animation.
Although, I’m sure DV will return shortly.
PS: yes, the “see for yourself” does link back to imageshack.
I remember years ago, mad magazine had something with a guy pointing a gun at a dog. Caption was “If you don’t buy this magazine, we’ll shoot this dog”.
I’m sure you can find a way to turn that into something funny about our current situation
Everybody sit tight, Icedawg is working with our host to try to resolve this thing.
Of course you Dreamviews guys and gals could help out around here until we are back… I’m sure Q wouldn’t mind!
Yeah, I might take this time to take a look arround here. And kick ass animation.
Heh. That was quite cheesy. But I understand the pain. Heh.