Has anyone ever been able to overcome or “bypass” g forces when flying?
I get up to a high speed (100 mph) and try to make a sharp turn and then I “spin out” and go tumbling thru the air. The g force is to great. Any suggestions on how to get rid of gravity?
I can’t really say. the only time I ever flew in a dream, there was no G force or inertia whatsoever.
Maybe just focus on inertialess flight?
just belive you can, and there you go.
Now can does that saying go.
easier said than done
i think the key for me is thinking about the air, for me the air is buoyant, I can run up into the sky stepping on air, I think of my usual flight style as torpedo style because thats how I shoot through the air. The air supports me and has no friction, I can effortlessly move through it, actually its more like negative friction, the air flowing around me is also the forward propulsion.
When I was learning how to fly I used to fall out of the sky alot, and swoop. my style was basically giant leap, fall, swoop, I had trouble staying far above the ground. But after a few flying dreams (both lucid and otherwise) I mastered torpedo style and gravity/inertia was no longer a factor, for me torpedo style was limited to about 150k/h, however very smooth and I have no problem coming to dead stops.
Recentely I discovered superman/neo style, I think it works on the principle of lots of raw power, like the power of a jet engine packed into your feet Its very cool, I fly at about 10k/s. A good way to get to distant cities and quickly change the scene. One of these days I mean to fly into space, prehaps to the moon, I dont think there is any limit to how fast superman style can go.
WOW, you guys are lucky. I can barely manage to stay in the air for more than 10 seconds, if I’m lucky. I’ve tried many different flying styles, and I can always fly up to where I need to be, like on top of a building, but I definately can not reach speeds as fast as you guys can. That’s amazing. I’m gonna work on it some more. The torpedo idea sounds good. I actually did have a little success once imagining I had rockets on my feet.
That is an excelent idea! Thanks
I am able to obtain the highest speeds when I imagine my feet having
rocket engines coming out the bottom
I just will myself into the air and I shoot up with no gravity/inertia/g-force. Once airbourne, I normally have my arms out either side of me and glide through the air.
you guys are even lucky you can get lucid dreams ! i havn’t had luck yet
Okay, now I actually went into space in a lucid dream. I used a WILD technique and the moment I became lucid I rocketed up into the sky, over the period of about 10 seconds the sky darkened from blue to black and about 20 seconds later I had left the earth far behind.
When I stopped to look around it was all messed up, there were about 5 planets close to me (a bit larger than the moon in the nights sky), one I recognised as jupiter, the others all looked rather like venus. Couldn’t find earth or the sun.
Next time I have a LD I’ll try and fly to some planet in particular, saturn would be nice. Or maybe I’ll fly to another solar system.
Well, I have to admit that the only time I’ve flown in dreams is when I’m non lucid (even then it was AWESOME. The ENERGY. The SPEED. The POWER!) I imagine it’ll be a bit different when I actually get lucid.
You are all luckier than me. I’ve only had one LD. I tried to fly but all I could do was hop LOL I’ll keep trying.