Not to mention, if anyone stumbled across it, without knowing what it was. Would um… think it was for something else.
Creative idea though. And don’t take us seriously. We are just joking.
Not to mention, if anyone stumbled across it, without knowing what it was. Would um… think it was for something else.
Creative idea though. And don’t take us seriously. We are just joking.
Im working on the kvasar too. Im really happy to see other people working on it. I would like to know if anyone has purchased from ELFA the s4810. Or if I could buy one from someone. And the code I use is normally picbasic
I know a few people here have built one but, noone has yet reported that they got the thing to work.
Well the one I build does work just fine. The only problem is that I didn’t see the flashing lights in the dream, then again I only used it for a week. Because after that week I found a better way to get LDs
I didn’t use the photosensor, I used a photodiode and just registered the change in it’s value to register eyemovement.
Hi JaRoD, how did you read in the different IR levels?
I also want to build a novadreamer clone, but I’m in Australia and probably can’t get the photosensor needed to build the Kvasar. I have very little electronics experience so I don’t know how to substitute an IR photodiode.
I built the novadreamer clone all by myself, so it’s quite different from the kvasar. It’s easy to replace the sensor with a photodiode on the kvasar but the program would have to be remade and since I don’t know the language he’s using I don’t know how easy/hard it’s to change You
I used a language called picbasic and there it’s simple to read the photodiode. There’s even a command for doing it But since the resistance of the diode was way too high I also had to put a resistor paralell with it to be able to read it.
Here’s a topic about building the kvasar [REM Detecting LED Goggle Device Nova Dreamer Wanna Be Thing)
For me the NovaDreamer has been amazing. I had many (10+) lucid dreams in the first week of using it. (compared to 3 previous lucids in the whole of my life before I got it)
There are a few points to bear in mind though:
The recommended method of use may not be the best method for you. I developed a completely different method which worked wonders for me.
Also your mind does tend to get used to the lights and stop recognising them if you use the NovaDreamer every night for long periods. For this reason, you need to take some time off from it now and again. For instance, using it for two weeks then having a two week break from it would be a good way to proceed.
But if the question is just “does it work?” my answer would have to be YES! it works amazingly well ( speaking for myself of course) and I’d recommend one to anybody.
yeah, I built the kavasar all the way and never got it to work , but I am now working on a device that I think will work well without rem detection, Once I like how far Ive gotten I will put it up on the forum
Sold mine on eBay for the same amount of money I paid for it. Didn’t work for me. Mind you, it was off my head more time than it was on it. Didn’t mind how tight I made the face mask, never stayed on. So uncomfortable.
Still, might be the best thing ever invented…for some people!
Something that has just occured to me, which when I really think about it, seams really bizarre: Why doesn’t the Nova Dreamer have a recorded voice saying, “You are dreaming now” ?
That to me seams like a far more effective way of signalling that you are dreaming.
There are (or I should say were since the nova dreamer was discontinued) that included a dream speaker but it was very expensive!
Dr LaBerge experimented with that notion back in the early 80’s and they concluded that the dreamer (re: their subconscious) cannot make sense of the phrase or any phrase for that matter. It had no effect on the dreamer or their dreamscape.
As for the original topic, I didn’t get much out of my NovaDreamer. It was not ergonomic at all and it fell off almost everytime I put it on (usually in a WBTB timeframe before REM5). It really only worked one time and even then the cue was very vague, but maybe that’s my fault (?).
The new NovaDreamer being developed by LaBerge & Co. is supposed to be much much cheaper and have some sort of technological improvement. I dunno, Keelin won’t tell me anything else
I just bought the rem dreamer and I’m very pleased with the product I’m still experimenting with it, so far I have way better recall of my dreams than before… I’ll keep posting about it.
I just had my first results 30 mins ago! ALL the details below.
I have had many lucid dreams, self-induced, but am working hard to earn money and I need a reliable method to induce a LD at least once a week that is not effort intensive.
The post on the REM dreamer I saw was locked with the person who ordered one giving up after not wanting to work the settings.
So here’s the scoop:
On Dec 1st I ordered the REM Dreamer from the official website. On Dec 16th the following email arrived:
"REM-Dreamer was sent to you today.
We apologize for the delay.
The device arrived on the 23rd of December. I picked it up two days ago.
It is very well designed and appears to me to have all the bells and whistles of the NOVA Dreamer. It is however a delicate device but was packed well so it arrived intact.
For my first night I set the light and beeper strength to to maximum and then tested the eye movement detector using one of the settings. I saw that it worked and so set the delay for 4 hours and off I went…
I woke up at the end of my sleep with no results. I checked the device and it had only gone off once and I remember that it was when I awoke during the night and my movements set it off.
I realized for my second night that the threshold was set too low so I increased it by 10% and set the delay for 4 hours for my second night…
I awoke twice during the night with the mask off my head. I dutifully replaced it and continued. I then found myself awakening again with the mask on and experiencing repeated sensations against my eyeballs but no light. I think that something is wrong with the device and find that the device is actually off my head! I think how strong the device is to produce the sensations while being off my head and replace it and return to sleep. I have a dream of myself at my childhood home of short duration. I then wakeup and realize that the entire sequence was a dream from awakening with the mask on.
It is obvious the REM dreamer caused this dream. Since I didn’t have any lights in the ensuing dream I have doubled the length of the light and added the beeper for the same length for my 3rd night.
See you with the results!
PS The idea that a repeated phrase from the external environment cannot be comprehended while sleeping
is absolutely false. I have had many “radio dreams” and have successfully induced lucidity using a speech program on my comp. It is not a reliable method because the mind seems to pick and choose when it perceives it.
Hello well im still experimenting with the rem dreamer, and I’m very happy with it, and yes it took weeks for it too arrive… Anyways I think my sleep is too light that every time the lights go on I wake up!! so I’m trying different settings. Im glad to know that more people are having results with it.
Glad you guys had to wait a long time as well, I was moments away from sending an email, but I guess Ill give it some more time.
Full Blown LD!
Man the settings make all the difference. In this dream I had actually purchased the REM Dreamer from a store and put it on and used it and saw the flashing lights! I then got up and started telling everyone I was dreaming and started flying and doing whatever I wanted. After a long trip I had a feeling of being kind of “exposed” and I actually thought that somehow I had “transposed” into the waking world and so I did a lucidity check and and it failed! So what did I do? Of course, put the mask on and went back to sleep. I then had a false awakening removed the mask and then awoke for real.
Wow, I am blown away! I was hoping for maybe 1 LD a week but with this it’s gonna be alot more than that!
The good thing is that it is really effortless in alot of ways. The only thing I had to do is:
The expectation of lucidity is naturally at 100% and the device fills in the lucidity cue!
I have had LD’s where I was at a “higher level” of consciousness – so this is what I am going to devote my time to now: Exercises to expand lucidity consciousness
Because I am so impressed with this device I am posting the link to the REM Dreamer official site so nobody misses it:
It’s the best 135 Euro you’ll ever spend!
PS I have the feeling people may suspect I’m some sort of plant I have a luciidity site that may help to prove otherwise, plus I live in the US
Man I’m happy!
Dang I wonder if this is going to get annoying and when I should stop. But here’s my report for my 4th day:
I remember 2 dreams from 2 different REM periods but I don’t remember any flashes. I also set the delay to 3 hours instead of 4.
When I awoke I checked the device and saw that it had flashed 21 times and I only remember 3 of them being while I was awake.
So, I assume that the flashes were very early on in the dream (harder to recall) and even possibly too short to manifest as dream content. So I doubled the length of the flashing and the beeping. For those of you following along at home that would be 48 seconds.
See you after my next launch!