Pain while trying to WILD?

There are a fews times I try to WILD when I unexpectedly get into the paralysis state, but whenever I do I feel a lot of discomfort. I don’t know why sometimes when I’m really tired I get into sleep paraylsis really easily…actually I don’t really know if it’s sleep paralysis because it’s just dark and random objects appear, but I’m not afraid.
Anyways I get to the point where it feels like something heavy has been put on me, and I’m really concious of all this and just waiting for something to happen because I have no idea what to do, but then this happened a couples times… I feel an extremely sharp pain at the left side of my waist, it hurts so much too the point where I have to wake my body up.

I have no idea why it happens, I try not to think of it but it still hurts. :confused:
any ideas how to stop it from hurting?
I also want to know what to do when images start to pop up…sometimes nothing happens, it’s just blank. I have no clue what to do.
How do I get into a LD?

Well,for starters, at one point you should forget about your body, and the faster after it’s relaxed, the better, so it’s good if you lose yourself in some lucid fantasy or similar. That way your body can carry its own business and you won’t notice ^^
For the pain, it might have something to do with the position if it’s recurring. Try changing it, and remember it’s possible to WILD in just any viable position :wink:

Hey TosxyChor nice to see you again! :content: & thanks for the help!

I usually WILD on my back, but I don’t know if it was my position because I felt fine enough to fall asleep on my back.
I’ve been thinking perhaps the pain occured because of the fact that I remembered about having it before… :eh: maybe the pain was all in my head?

It’s a possibility, though it’d be safe to try at least once to WILD in another position to convince yourself the pain is just passing stuff :smile:
Good luck with your next tries! :content:

it could also possibly be a muscle cramp…try stretching before bed