
In my first LD I fell down on my arse and didn’t feel anything…maybe cause I woke up right away? :eh:

ive had a rhino bite my leg in an ld, it was exremely intense pain. i conjured up a gun and tried to shoot the rhino in the head but it wouldent let go so i shot myself

i’ve had pain in a nightmare before, but it wasn’t that intense. It was when my brother took a chainsaw to my head…

I don’t know if you would have the actual pain of getting stabbed. For me it seems like when I get hurt in a dream, a surge of slight tingly pain goes through my whole body. Very similar from when you jump from a high place and land with a jolt. Hitting the ground sends a quick pain through your whole body bacause of the stress of coming to the sudden stop.

For the last two nights I’ve had dreams of feeling un-well. In one I felt sick and dizzy and nearly collapsed. In the other, I kept having black-outs (I don’t have them in real life). I was walking with someone and started daydreaming. I suddenly awoke feeling like 2min had gone by. But the person with me said 15min and then I started getting worried and miserable.

I either feel pain as it would in RL or I don’t feel it at all.

As for pinching, I remember having a dream where I won lots of money and a car. I pinched myself because I knew I was in a dream and I felt nothing. I wanted it to be a dream so bad so I kept pinching myself harder and harder trying to make it hurt. Eventually it did. XD