Not sure if this is adressed elsewhere, but I’ve read that pinching yourself doesn’t work as an effective RC because in the dream, you would actually experience the feeling of being pinched. What if, in a dream, you had managed to attain lucidity and then for one reason or another proceeded to get stabbed at some point in the dream. Would the dreamer experience the pain? It’s never happened to me, but I’m guessing something along those lines has happened to someone else, so I was just curious. Lol.
it depends
if you have been stabbed before IRL then yes you might feel the pain… if not, you’d probably just feel something go into you, minus the pain.
for me i can feel dream pain, but it is usually dull… not intense, not particularly bothering…
or it manifests into pain i already know, like stomach ache or something.
When I get shot and barraged with bullets it usually just feels like thousands of small things are pelting me… but it doesn’t hurt.
I think pain tends to be worse in ND s than LD s, since you think you are really being shot.
I’ve never expereienced pain in dreams, but Sometimes getting shot is annoying. I wouldn’t call it pain, its just if I was pinched all over my body
I flew through an window in a dream once. A regular dream, not lucid. I could feel the sensation of going through the glass, but I wouldn’t call it pain. I think it feels more like an orgasm all over my body, but even more pleasurable.
That reminds me of a dream i had when i was little. Hah! I guess i was into lucid dreaming back then too! I was in a jungle gym or something and something just set me off and I was asking myself if i was dreaming. I pinched myself, felt the pain- didn’t become lucid went back into the dream and i was off on my merry way.
Haha .:Illusion:.!
Pain in LDs isn’t much of a problem because you can generally stop it if it occurs.
Yeah you can feel pain. But as everyone has said, it generally isn’t a sharp pain. It’s more of a dull one.
You may feel pain, and then wake up and still feel it. This isn’t injuries carried through from the dream, just that you were sleep in an awkard position, and you’re subconcious made you dream of being hurt to give reason for the pain.
i just remembered this one time when i recently ran as fast as i could and slammed my head into a wall…
now that did hurt, quite a bit… but it was also kind of cool.
it wasn’t something i wanted to try again though.
It’s interesting because falling from buildings and hitting the ground doesn’t hurt at all, but that really did, for some reason.
Perhaps this is because your subconscious is unable to simulate the feelings of crashing through the ground, but can do slamming a head into a wall.
Well, someone try and do something that would cos alot of pain but has enver experinced before (such as skining yourself alive…) and see what the result is. Then try a normal pain that you HAVE experinced before. (tripping over being stung or summit).
When I was younger, and had LDs all the time, I never experienced pain when I was lucid, or if I did it was very mild. When I was in a normal dream though, I sometimes experienced intense pain, even if I had never been in the situation before in my life. For instance, one time I had a dream that there was a guy punching me in the stomach with a bag of rocks…now that hurt, especially since I was only 6 or 7. I’m sure the pain would have been different in real life, but I still could feel it. When I woke up it was gone, so I know it wasn’t anything my sub-conscious was trying to do.
I agree with holy reality, pain in ND is much more frightening and real because you believe the pain is real, in LD’s though you can just dismiss the pain because you know you can’t be hurt.
I guess if you wanted to though you could feel pain in a LD… if that does it for you
I remember a dream where i was being chased by locuses or something, when they would bite me, it felt like getting slapped with a piece of cardboard… dont quite know why
recently i dreamt that i was at the beach, and this little rabbit ran up to me and bit me in the balls. It was THE most painful thing ever, it was so sharp and intense and i couldnt make it let go…unbearable. And thankfully, ive never had the displeasure of having that happen in real life.
Sometimes I dream that I am falling from somewhere high . When I wake up , I feel the EXACT same sensation as if I were really falling ( Remember that I am laying on the bed )
I have that too sometimes, i recall the dream very good whenever that happens, so it’s not a bad thing for me
I haven’t had lucid dreams yet, but I do get that falling sensation. Quite scary.
i would have to say that if the stab was so shocking or it got you excite dor something such as in a nightmare, most likely you would wake up as soon as the knife touched you and just have a cold sweat IRL.
I had an LD a few days ago where I was in a building. I jumped up and grabbed onto the rafters, and it felt like something was cutting into my hand, very painful, but as soon as I let go it went away.
Also in LD’s I have tried to put my hand very hard through a wall which hurt as much as if I had punched a wall as hard as I could in real life. In other LD’s I have flown and scraped my knees against a wall, which hurt badly.
In ND’s I’ve been kicked where it hurts which also hurt, quite a bit.
i think that it could also have something to do with how vivid the dream is to you.