
there has been times ive been able to feel pain in my sleep…
is this normal?
it isnt mild pain either, but somehow i can endure it (maybe becouse the fact that im dreaming).

things that have made me feel pain is things like:
1 meter long iron poles wich penetrate my LEFT arm (its alwas the left… dunno why)

impact from a fall

a monster eating my legs

now… when i started reading about lucidity, i was wondering if you ever feel pain in your lucid dreams or real ones… or if you (with help from the controll) can handle the situation and form it however you like?
(ive already had some lucid dreams in wich i knew i was dreaming, but still i couldnt defend myself)

just a curius question from a guy thinking of becoming a full time lucid dreamer :smile:

(hope u dont think i have mental problems or anything… these things often happen when ive gone through emotional stress… (like breaking up with my girl like a week ago(wich got me here)))

have a good dream

never feel pain… not in ND or in LD. But if I´d wish to feel pain, I certainly would.

I feel pain in dreams just like I would in waking life. If something that should be painful happens to me in a dream, then I feel genuine pain. Just last night I was slashed accross the stomach by a marauding orc, just as painful as it sounds :smile:

ok… good im not alone… thoght for a moment that i where alone with this… (and no… i dont want to feel pain…)… …

but to look at the problem… mith: did you have any emotional stress at the moment? what did you think about (and not about the orc :wink: )?

cuz i think these unpleant things should be avoided… (if it dosent have a meaning)

Most people feel pain in LD’s and ND’s.

I’ve felt pain a number of times in both types. never really extreme pain, but I have had constant pain that just won’t go away…

Mostly my mind seems to represent pain with a kind of numb feeling and dizziness in my dreams. I’ve been stabbed, shot, etc., but it’s always felt the same for me. It’s never quite the same pain that I’d feel IRL.

Emotional stress could probably be contributing to really unpleasant dreams. But if you’re not lucid, I’m not sure how you’d be able to solve this problem :bored:

gotta get lucid then :smile:

ive started with the dream diary, and i remembered fractions from two dreams today…

once in a LD i had my shoes burning and it was very painful, and when I woke up I could still feel the pain! and once in a LD I touched a light buld and it burned my fingers, but then I reminded myself that I was dreaming, touched it again, and there was no pain at all.

The only pain I’ve ever felt in a dream was the impact of falling.

I actually feel pain quite a bit in my dreams and it’s usually because something is causing me pain in real life. If I have a dream where something painful happening to one of my arms, or neck, or leg, I usually wake up to find I’ve been sleeping on it awkwardly and it’s gained that unbearable “thousand needles” feeling, or it’s just been bent uncomfortably. The most common, and most painful, seems to be (this is a bit vulgar, just a warning) I’ll roll into a position that sqeezes my testicles, then in the dream someone I’m talking to or someone around me will just reach down and start squeezing them, and I can’t get them to let go. It usually causes me to wake up almost immediatly and then I realize what was really happening.


I have never noticed any pain in a dream yet. But, as anything is possible in a dream…i have no doubt it is possible.

Btw, when you get a lucid dream, why not try to make the iron pole into something harmless. like for example a flower :flower: I recently got rid of one of my most notorious nightmares this way!

[color=#6699FF] I feel pain in dreams very often…
Once I was having a dream about ninjas :content: and… well, it turned evil. I got sliced up pretty badly, and it hurt…

I rarely have LDs and most of my NDs are nightmares, so I often feel pain in dreams. I have a high tolerance for pain too, but in my dreams (nightmares), I seem to have a lower tolerance. The pain I feel in my dreams far surpasses any pain I’ve ever felt in real life. [/color]

My pain usually feels like what another person was describing, it is usually always the same feeling that is sort of numb. Have you ever just woken up and then tried to grab your ear or whatever, but your hands feel really strange and barely work? It feels almost exactly like that and usually lasts a couple of seconds after waking up.

One time I had this messed up dream where I was in some squad that dealt with paranormal things. We were sent to assasinate a witch. When we went in, she summoned a bunch of little monster insect things that jumped on us and bit us, and I could really feel them biting. I though was alone too…

in dream all my emotinal pain is hightened but so is my joy is kinda interseting

I once dreamed I had a long piece of wire in my left arm and it hurt as I pulled it out. Although it was quite painful I didn’t feel like it was pain I couldn’t deal with and it wasn’t frightening.