Parallel Dreams

Last night I had my 3rd LD :boogie: which was by far the best clearest and longest, but something strange happened, during it I “woke up” into an ND and I did an RC, I plugged my nose but I couldn’t breathe through it, then I went back to sleep, because I wanted to go back to my LD and I could breathe through it again. :confused: It was strange.

Hi Susan Ivanova, congrats on your 3rd LD! Sometimes RC’s just dont work the way you would want them to, such is just the nature of RC’s. That is why it is recommended to do 2 or even 3 RC’s, just to be sure.

The thing was, it happened several times, while I was “awake” no matter how many times I did it it didn’t work, but when I went back to the LD I could breathe through it again. Probably has something to do with expectations.

I’ve had FA’s in which I was absolutely sure to be awake, tried a nose RC just out of habit… and it worked! Sometimes, RC results can be very random… :eh:

It’s good to have a few RCs handy. In my first LD, only 2 out of 3 worked. (the “fingers-through-the-hand” one failed)