Paralyzed? OBE?

hey folks,

so last night I was lying in bed and decided to try laying completely still, resisting any urges to move, itch, etc. because I had recently read about the Stop Drop Roll technique. I lie there for about half an hour, and I started losing feeling in my left hand, and ten minutes later I completely lost feeling in both arms, I also couldn’t feel my face on the pillow anymore.

I then started to lose all sense of direction, and it felt like I was spinning every which way, it was crazy. my bed could have been upside down for all I knew!

THEN, about five minutes after that, (this is hard to explain) I felt my soul trying to break out of my body. I could just feel it inside, it felt like I was wiggling and trying to leave my physical body. It felt extremely weird, but also…good?

so if someone could please explain the numbing as well as the losing all sense of direction and body, that would be great :smile: did I achieve SP? did I have an OBE?


Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

I think you did. Congratulations to you :smile:

Did you leave your body? and did it go somewhere or just wiggled and fell into normal sleep?

thank you!

it just wiggled for a bit then it stopped

Heard lots of strange things around here… none as creepy as this one :meh:. Good thing I never had an OBE myself.

haha it’s much more amazing than it sounds :content: and I suppose a little scary :tongue:

I never clearly know myself when I’m having an OBE, SP with ability to move my “soul” body or LD. Usually it happens to me when doing WBTB. Same as you described but it happens really fast with me. SP and then my body is moving and I feel like stepping out or I start to see a dream and want to step into it so I will have a LD, or hold it with my hands so it won’t vanish but it usually does and I hover over my body some more. Never have I attempted to step out of my body into my room though… I slipped off of my bed once but went back to hovering above my bed. Maybe I should step out for a serious OBE soon… I am gonna try that!

definitely go for it! :happy: I’m looking forward to my next OBE now

It’s not creepy at all. I’ve had an OBE one and a half year ago and it was the best experience in my life. I’ve never had any fear about them. Saying it like “soul leaves the body” may make it sound creepy so just use some other description for it. I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t want to experience an OBE other that false fear from creepy stories.

my soul was gently trying to exit my physical body.

that better? :tongue:

Okey so I OBE’d three times just now…

I woke up earlier so I went out of bed and returned back to bed after a short pee :content:
SP within a few minutes and I tried to use the third eye method… WOW how easy was that! :woo: I looked at my third eye less than a minute and I felt my body moving to the left but I corrected myself so I went back to the right. I wasn’t sure yet if I was out of my body enough. So, after a short while I just sat up and walked through my room. There were a few things I didn’t like though, walking was hard, like walking through water. Also I tried to see where I was going but when I opened my eyes for too long my vision faded and turned into seeing my seeling… other words, I was back to lying in my bed with my eyes wide open. So, the second time it took me less than a minute to OB again, I stepped out of bed right away and tried to see some clearer but this ended in seeing my seeling again. Third time went better, again within a minute and I kinda jumped out of bed, walked with my eyes closed, felt with my hands where I was, then open my eyes to actually see where I was. This worked okay… I saw my bed but I wasn’t lying in it. Some other times my vision didn’t match with my touch. I walked some more and thought about how hard walking was so I just started to hover and it went okay, not too fast. I came across my flip flops so I took one of them and placed it between the closet door, I wanted to be sure I wasn’t actually walking there with my body. So when I woke up I looked at the closet door but nothing had changed.

Anyone who had trouble with walking and sight too?

I find myself having trouble with movement and sometimes sight too when in a LD. I have no idea why that is…

edit: I was thinking about when something is an OBE, does what you see have to match the reality? My room looked like my room though my flip flops were lying somewhere else and I didn’t see myself lying in bed. Can you still speak of an OBE then? I am a little confused because what I just experienced didn’t feel like a LD either, I was conscious the entire time from waking to slipping out of bed and walking around in my room. Or can you speak of my room during my experience as a dream environment?

are you saying your physical body was walking around or your detached soul/mind was walking around?

I was walking around, could feel my limbs and all but it wasn’t my physical body… so I guess it was my soul/mind

Leonie, i don’t think it was an OBE. it was just a LD. that’s why things were different. i think it’s just LDs but people think they are OBEs. i would only believe it’s an actual OBE if you moved something and it was also moved in the morning, or if you watched something happening IRL and then was able to confirm it, and you wouldn’t have known beforehard to be able to dream about it.

mostly, what you had was a successful WILD that ended in a LD. a lot of people do that. your mind just creates a very similar ‘room’ in your ‘dreamspace’ and you exit into it, thinking it’s reality. but you could spot the differences in most cases.
i haven’t ever had a successful WILD, so i envy you :smile: i’ve tried so many times, but it never works for me. instead, i wake up inside a dream… i’ve onve had an awakening in my room just like that, but knew it was a dream. and then i flew out the wall and flew in the sky. the only difference from your experience was only that i wasn’t conscious when my ‘body-mind-soul-whatnot’ exited my real body and went into the dream. you experienced it. however, we both got the same result i guess :smile: i do envy you though! i want to do WILD and exit my body too, but i completely can’t, tried it so many times, but nothing happens for hours :crying: it probably just isn’t a method good for me :sad:

Thanks avalinah. I found this article somewhere about OBE’s and LD’s, I posted it in the section about OBE’s. I think people get confused about what is what, I know I do… it’s easier for me now to think that it is indeed a LD.
I often WILD spontaneously in the morning and everything feels just right, I hardly have to make any effort. But my body and mindset have to be just right, I still have to feel really relaxed, my eyes have to feel awake, my mind is still in a little haze, not thinking about things (daydreaming is good) but knows exactly what’s going on. This morning I tried to WILD but I had to make too much of an effort, I had already been thinking too much about a disturbing ND I had last night so I didn’t succeed.

When I WILD spontaneously I’m never focussed on WILDing, I sort of go with it. When I try too hard to WILD I always fail…

I wish you luck with trying to WILD, maybe it will work soon :content:

of course it’s easy to mix up. i mean you feel your dream body exiting your real body, then how are you even supposed to feel? haha :smile: but i don’t throw away the possibility of OBEs either. if there was a way to test it, i would surely do that! but i haven’t even had a successful WILD yet. maybe i will someday :smile: WILD is just too hard for me. either i’m too aware and can’t go to sleep for hours… or if i try it after just having woken up (people said it’s easier), i can’t keep my awareness and just fall asleep all the time… can’t even help it :< maybe WILD is not for me. i don’t even get HI, just complete blackness and boredom. or instantly go to sleep :rofl: it’s silly :smile:

awww maybe someday it will come spontaneously too :smile: and I don’t see HI half of the time so don’t worry about that.

About OBE’s… it is so weird, this man I’ve just met (he was the man who said what the hell are you screaming for in my last OBE like LD :tongue: ) he actually has been out of his body many times :happy: he told me he has had it his entire life and he can go places to explore the neighbourhood and then when he goes there in RL, he knows the way! He also said he can see things in the future sometimes and has been trying to win the lotery… only thing is, he knows the numbers but where I live you can only choose the last 2 digits so that’s a bummer…

yeah, i’m not saying no one can do it… but i think most of us just do LDs :happy: hehe.

maybe it’s good you can’t cheat at the lottery. you would waste the damn money anyway xD and it wouldn’t be fair :happy:

would give a hell of a rush though! :woo:

Uh… still creepy. Try without “soul” :tongue: