1a) Have you experienced any paranormal experiences like shared dreaming, OBE’s or other experiences?
1b) Was it in connection with dreaming, or just in the waking life?
1c) What kind of experience was it?
A few OBE. In waking life, lots of empathy-type stuff and ‘seeing people’ like their being or energy, though i dont think thats real special (that i was just blind and that everyone does this). Lots of sort of telepathic stuff, but thats not too special either, i think natural even with someone you know.
1d) What is your explanation for the experience?
OBEs from waking up into SP and floating state, (not knowing what floating state was at the time), just sort of got out on my own. I dont know the cause (though at the time thought i may have been dying). With OBEs now its just me in floating state (and thus not really a full OBE), only one fully-conscious OBE. Vastly different than LD (no dream feeling, waaay more stable).
1e) Did you became more or less religious after the experience(s)?
Yes. Before my first full blown conscious one, i was lacking faith, needing solid personal experience to back my beliefs. Now i am no longer afraid of death.
2a) Do you think we have a soul?
Totally, but i dont think that it ‘thinks’ or is ‘conscious’, but more like it just ‘is’ and ‘be’s’ so to speak.
2b) Do you think the future is predeterminatet? (That the future is already “written”, and we can’t change it?)
Well, deep breath, that is a pretty complicated question. My own beliefs are that it is a mix between predeterminate and free will. Its sort of like displaced free will, with the illusion that we have free will here when we really do not. In my opinion, we ‘choose’ what we will do, what we will experience, and this decision is based by ‘soul energy’ that is intertwined (one) with other souls, like a mutual agreement between souls before they come to life (and still remain whole, separation an illusion). We then experience it, and sort of think we have free will…but then it gets more complicated. I dont think that time exists, and that the choosing ‘before’ and the experiencing ‘after’ is really the same thing.
2c) Are you religious?
No, not really. I just try to go on my gut when it comes to beliefs and spirituality, in fact i kind of stray away from doctrine and book and the like, though ive recently gotten some interest to see if there is indeed something i can glean from say the bible, looking at it with much open interpretation and possible symbolism. But i dont really believe in organized religion or in converting others, just in sharing personal experience, for what its worth.
2d) Do you think the universe will exist forever, or that it one day will collapse?
-If the universe collapses, what happens with the souls?
I think that space and time are illusion, that all things are just one ‘whole’ energy (without limit or boundary, just like, a single point, and thats it). So thus according to my beliefs, the universe may do either, impermanence still being illusion nonetheless. (though still a nice show/experience)