Partial sleep-paralysis, toe biting, and semi-old hag. Help?

Im somewhat new to LDing, ive read about it ALOT, talked with people about it, but never actually done it. Tonight I got very close.

I went to bed at around 12:30 pm yesterday, and woke up at around 9:30 pm (had an allnighter so i was up all night the day before.)

Its now 4:38 am.

I had gone to be at around 2:44 plus or minus 2-5 minutes. I attempted to do a WILD-MILD technique, and it paid off. I started off by mentally repeating “I hear bubbles, I am dreaming.” due to my fishtank bubbles being nearby. After a while, my thoughts started to stray, so I counted by breaths and breathed slowly. Next, I thought of a dream (this was when I was started to transition I believe.). The thing is, I was still aware that I was in my room sleeping. My mind had transitioned while my senses had not.

Here is the dream:
A friend and I were in my room on the ground sleeping. I looked at him and he had all his facial features correct, and I was thinking “Wow, lucid dreams really do get images from your mind!”. A few minutes later after sitting there for a bit, I heard a squeaking. I turned around and saw a yellow furry mouse that had my dogs faces running around by my piano. I stood up and tried to grab him, but he bit my toe, which is the point where I woke up. I felt a stinging sensation for a second in my toe, and then my body went numb. I tried to move my foot, but it wouldnt respond. My whole body tingled, and I thought to myself “This is sleep paralysis? this isnt that bad!”. I could move my eyes and breathe, but nothing else. I wanted to move really bad though, so I pulled my hard to the left as much as I could and my whole body started sliding onto my back. I got extremely scared, because I wasnt moving on my own anymore. When I got to my back, I yanked my arm again, closed my eyes, and came back to awareness. I could move and everything again.

I decided I had to get past my small fear, so I let my body be lulled back into SP again. This time, it was much worse. There was a high pitched droning in my ear, but I was also aware of a low, tongue-heavy, tantalizing chanting. My body went numb, and my feet felt very heavy and tingly. I felt a light weight on my chest, and I opened my eyes and didn’t see anything. There was no old hag, even though there was some pressure. I believe my old hag would have been the demon from the Exorcist, as that is my biggest fear.

After a second of this I became excited, believing I was headed into a LD. I stayed calm though, not moving. Even though I was calm, the excitement must have leaked out because it stopped my SP. I tried to fall back into it again, but after about 5 minutes of trying I gave up. Im about to head back to bed (its 4:48 now) and try again.

Can someone tell me what happened? Im not sure if I had SP or just transitioned into a half LD and woke up into half SP…

This is the closest ive ever been to having a LD, and id really like to know what I did wrong.

BTW, im a 14 year old boy if that makes any difference.


Some other notes I just recalled:

I never keep a dream journal. I never wake up after having a dream, even a nightmare. I know I should, but when I finally do wake up in the morning I dont need a DJ, since I already remember the dream. I have an extremely powerful memory, and I can remember any dream ive had in the last 2 weeks. I know I shouldnt rationalize, but my body doesnt wake up after a dream. The first SP ive ever had (the one I wrote about) is the only time.

Also, I did have a dreamsign in the dream. Im pretty sure the lights flickered on or off, because of my TV. But I entered the dream lucid (albeit without my senses.) so it didnt matter :razz:

Another near-lucid!

I went back to bed after editing my first post.

I was thinking of my friend Zane, whos coming over today, and I dreamt that he and I were playing a galaga-type game. I had to keep yelling at him to aim with the gun and not his finger, and after a minute or two of thinking this dream I went into SP again.

This time, the SP was only LIGHT vibrating/Light numbness, and I snapped out of it after a minute because I wasnt that tired.

Its 7:41 am now, gonna head back to bed and try again.

Any tips for prolonging/keeping SP without it going away? Ive only had it twice now, and both times it went away almost as soon as I realized it.

It sounds to me like you might have done a bit of both. :smile: You almost certainly had sleep paralysis and what you described does sound like a dream rather than HH. The only question to ask is during the part where the mice were running around, were you aware it was a dream?

I believe, from what I’ve read and heard from others. To get past the stage where SP is, you should try to keep almost a blasé attitude about what you are doing. It can help with the excitement if you think about it with the perspective of an observer, for example. Instead of saying “I’m numb” try to say “The body is numb”

Whilst trying to keep your focus elsewhere from the real world (Focusing on your body will cause you to drift back to being awake. Focusing on the sensations will draw you to focus onto your body. :wink:), you have to keep yourself aware so as not to slip into an ND. The aim is to forget your body and all the sensory input from it, whilst keeping your conscious mind active enough so that when you slip into a dream, you are aware that is what has happened. Personally with forgeting I find it helps to acknowledge something and let it go, trying to force something out of your mind seems to have the opposite effect and will only aggravate you. To try and keep awareness there are a number of techniques such as visualization, counting or reciting a mantra.

[size=34]Some of the ideas here I picked up from others and added my own slant to, thanks Bruno, Slinking_Ferret, Mighty Mutant and many others. [/size]

I was aware it was a dream, and I knew I was in pseudo-SP, but all my senses were still in the real world, although I was dreaming.

Thanks for the tips, ill try em out. Right now im about to head back to bed.

I went to bed at 12, woke up at 7, and im going back to bed now (7:30)

going to do a WBTB/MILD/WILD combo.

I’m doing that everyday at night now! Every time more vivid.
I was quite scared the first time, then after that it got better, which is one of the goals of my LDs to conquer my fears! :smile:

got any tips on how to do it every night? its hard to do on command

in my dreams ive had a diffrent kind of toe bitting in mine i was biting my toes it was weird and then i woke up because i needed to go to school and when i woke up i knew i had wilded