Partly SP

Okay, I was thinking about this and wondered if anyone else had similar experiences:

I am stuck in a cage. The cage measures 2 by 3 meters. The door fell in it’s lock, so there’s no way out. A big poisonous snake forces me slowly into a corner. Then he bites me in my left leg and I wake up.
Now the weird part:
I get up, and get out of my bed. I have no feeling in my left leg and crack through it. I fall to the ground at my first step. :eh:

It’s just like my mind decided in the dream I lost feeling in my left leg, but that the thought remained for several seconds after waking up. :blush:

What position did you sleep in? Maybe your leg was asleep first. Your dream could have sent you a “scary snake picture” to startle yourself awake to re-position yourself.

Kinda like dreaming of water when you have to urinate.

Well, I’ve had dreams about being forced to eat disgusting food and then woke up with an aching stomach :blush: Sometimes there’s a correlation between the experience in waking life and dreamworld :yinyang: I don’t think that’s strange at all… BTW I don’t think that numb-thing is REM-SP, it’s rather trivial local numbness caused by a bad sleep position like DA said, I have this experience regularly with one of my arms :crying: .

Hi Hypnodude,

think Dreamaddict is right…dreaming is a state of association ,so nerve pain will be associated and integrated in your dream…i was stung by an insect once on vacation and i woke up from the pain but in my dream before waking up i was stung to by a person standing next to me with something sharp…same is when you have to go to the toilet…its somehow translated on a associative way in your dream…

And while you are hear…Jeff has no fear
