passion flower

I know we had this topic sometime, but I can´t find very much using the search.
Sooo, who has used passion flower (the “medical” one: Passiflora incarnata )? Sometimes teas for sleeping contain passion flower, but I am rather interested in experimenting with higher dosage. Something like making a tea out of 30g dried herb.
The active chemicals aren´t really knowen. Passion flower contains harmala, which is a MAO inhibitor, but only very little of it (I think you´d need about 1kg to get affected).

Any experiences?


I have a rather expensive bottle of “Restful sleep formula.” $16US for 60 tablets. It’s labeled as “Valerian: Full-Spectrum Formula,” but includes passion flower.

I’ll list the ingredients:

Kava Kava Extract - 136mg
Valerian Extract - 100mg
Chamomile Extract - 100mg
Passion-Flower Extract (Passiflora incarnata) - 50mg
Melatonin - 1mg

Vitamin B-6 - 10mg
Calcium - 200mg
Magnesium - 100mg

I’ve taken these a few times, and I enjoy the rest it helps induce. I would only take such a formula instead of other types of sleeping medicine. I never have problems sleeping, but I’ll take these if I’m trying to adjust my sleep schedule, or experimenting with the effects on my dreams. :content:

When I first got the bottle I just thought it was Valerian. After a few uses I read the bottle. :wow: wow, what a cocktail!

I don’t ever recall being lucid after taking these.

I used passion flower ones, about a teaspoon. But´I had realy no effects from it, I toughed it would make me a bit tired at least, but I couldn’t sleep for hours after I drank the tea. So I want to try a higher dosage but I don’t know how much of passion flower you can use without a risk.
Do I have to cook it for a long time, or is it ok just to throw the herb into boiling water?