Password protected Dream Journal?

I don’t use any codes in my handwritten DJ… I’m afraid my handwriting in the middle of the night and right after I wake up, is SO terrible, that nobody but me is able to decipher it. :grin:

And even if they find it… I don’t know. I got dirt on my brother, should he even really care about anything but himself and break my privacy, and my mom respects me enough not to sniff around in my room. :3 My online DJ is usually private, depending on what I dreamt. Still… I probably am not aware of the entire concept of ‘privacy’ since password protection or securing my DJ isn’t that big an issue… maybe I should be worried more? @_@ Even so, my online DJ is Dutch, so it’s not like the entire world can read it…

I believe there are ways to pass-protect a folder, it’s easily passable if you’ve got half a brain, but it works for me because I’m the only one with enough sense with a computer to get past it. Anyone else in my house that saw it would just shrug and leave it at that. :happy:

Try Encrypted magic folders from

It can be used to hide folders and encrypt them.

Geez, how bad could it be if somebody found out.
Dreams are so abtract who ever tries to tell the info inside will look like a moron.

Lil bro: hey guess what my bro wrote in his journal :content:

Idiot friend #1: Whaat? :happy:

lil bro: he was attack a monster when all of a sudden a space came down and hot alien women came out and made love to the monster. Then my brother ran away to eat donuts with cops. :cool_laugh:

idiot friend#2: What the hell are you talking about?? :confused:

Lil bro: uhh… :eh: …nutting, lets go play yu-gi-oh cards :cool:

lol sleepy! so true. I just keep my DJ under my bed. Not too obvious (I really doubt that someone will look under my bed) not too hard to get at. I really think that If anyone found my DJ they wouldn’t be alarmed, but if they found all my LD books they may be.

The Dream Temple software features a password protection feature.


i like the idea, but i wouldnt trust any online DreamJournals…

i used to write my dream diary on my computer in txt format (i love it!), but then one day it just fucked up and all the unique records were lost in a second (not to mention all the other things which were erased).

So now i trust only my paper&ink dreamlog…

And knowing about all these electricity blackouts occuring time after time all around the world i wouldnt trust any online dream journal…

im just a hamster who cares!!!