I was curious to see if any of you have had past life dreams. If so, who were you in a past life? Do you know what year it was? Did you recognize people from your life today? Did they look the same or did they look different but you knew it was them? Have you ever been the opposite sex?
I’ve had a dream that happened in the past, I’m not sure if it was a past life dream or whether it was just a dream set in the 40’s with precognitive elements.
Here’s the dream though, I’ll let you decide if it’s a pastlife dream:
I’ve had one dream where I was female; but it wasn’t past life. I was just a different person, strangely the “real” me was also in the dream and I even spoke to myself.
Whoa, thats intense. You should be on one of those TLC shows where there’s like psychics and stuff. Get the word of Mohegan out. I’m pretty sure the psychic union would attempt to sue you though, so maybe its a bad idea.
Anyway’s, did the guy know if the owner was murdered or not?
That definatly sounds like a past life dream. Do you remember how you got killed? You should research the name also. Maybe its some crazy crime that was never solved. Very interesting though. Thanks for sharing!
That’s true, but what if it turns out to be worth it? What you just described was a very interesting occurance, it might be possible to dig something up.