I didn’t know where to put this, so I went with this one.
A friend told me about this and said it worked really well for him so offcouse I got inspired to try my self. After about 19min I didn’t feel anything… maybe it will work for you.
The thing is that a guy tells you how to relax and how to think in order to get you to your past life, ofc I know it’s just my imagination that guides me but I wanted to try anyway.
Are these Bineural beats or brainwave entrainment files or something?
If they are, I’ll give them a try, I always like experiemnting with bineural beats.
Ah, you remind me of the days I spent at the FFVII’s battle arena…
Anyway, it seems interesting. Thanks, I’ll try it.
I’m afraid if it’s a screamer…
What about using it to have a LD? I’ve seen qiute cool hypnagogic stuff listening to it.