I wish I knew how to spell that. I figured it out! Well I’ve noticed a pattern in my dream I remeber one dream every second night but I don’t really remember it I just have a different sense and can feel that I had one. It sucks but I think I’m getting a lot closer now last week I had a dream on where I rememberd that I felt a lizard in my dream. First time I have ever felt anything in my dreams. It was amazing.
intersting, did you write it down in your DD? if not, then you should have, because it will motivate your mind to try and remember your dreams, and you might remmber a bit more as you wright it down… congrates on yer progress
join the club im also sort of figuring a pattern of my dreams
ive only remembered 3 dreams in 3 nights so far and while they are not
very vivid at all i can remember having conversations in them
one i was talking to a old lady in a old house
another talking to commandos in the jungle about christmas???
and the other was talking to ninjas on a highway about getting revenge on someone
is it normal to talk and do nothing else during dreams or do you think that i just dont remember half the dream
Recently I’m having lots of ‘school’ dreams - dreams about inexistent schools, different ones of course in every dream. And I don’t notice anything strange!!!
I found a pattern lately. I keep mentioning LD’s, thinking about LD’s in dreams, but I don’t realize it’s a dream!
Did it. Broke the pattern. Tonight was a night where I shouldn’t have had a dream. Well I got one haha and the most vivid one I’ve had for such a long time though nothing special but thats great for me.
Monitor199a: Why you crying you have had 7 ld’s this month . Man I haven’t even had one.