hehe…shows Ive played too many video games.
OK Ive been watching the Back To The Future trilogy DVD for a couple of days now and finnaly had a dream relative to it.
In the dream I was in the delorean, I started at the top end of my street and had to get to 88 mph before the end of the road. Theres a house at the end of my road…so I didnt want to crash through…I hit the gas and the car took off…In soon came up to the end of the road…only reaching 78! Just before hitting the house i stopped the dream…like hitting pause…I then had the view of seeing the back outside of the car…only a foot away from the car…I dont think I realised it was a dreammm I was glad the car didnt hit the house…so I then deemanded the dream to change, a fade happened and I found myself being shot at by cubans (GTA VC). I jumped off a blacony and jumped intoa Firebird.
I later awoke… Ive never paused a dream…not like that atleast…but Ive done things were I order the dream to either change or to wake up…i gotta stay with it and be lucid…