
Hullo! I’ve just formated and reinstalled my PC.
I want it to start fresh, it was really slow.
So can anyone give some PC tips around here?

Well that depends. Whatcha wanna know? :cool:

What I do to keep my computer working to its full potential is periodically defrag (every month or so), download ad-aware which is a great spyware killer (its swedish!), and you may want to run “msconfig” and and look at the programs selected to start up when the computer boots. Many people have way too many programs selected which causes your PC to run reaaaly slow, so eliminate all of the unnecesary programs. You’ll see. I hope my advice is of some use.

Defrag ur PC on a regular base, also try to use anti spyware programs such as Ad-Aware. Or if u know dutch this program is better: hitmanpro.nl (A program that automatically runs; Ad-aware, spy sweeper, spybot s&d, and a few others :content:)

If you have windows XP and high speed internet, update windows in START --> WINDOWS UPDATE.
yeah, and defrag (wich I don’t do)

I do the same as everyone above except that I use spy-bot instead of ad-aware. I just like spy-bot better plus it is free.

Edit- And also do a virus scan at least once a month along with the defrag.

OK so, de-frag antispyware!
I used to have microsoft antispyware but it made my PC real slow, it was a heavy program and was always asking me stuff… What do you think about this program?
I would also like to know your opinions on some other programs:
Browser: Iexplorer - planning to keep this
Player: Which Best?
Sound Edit: Nuendo - HAHAHAHA
E-Mail: Outlook Express - what do you think?
Anti-Virus: WhichBest? trying avast! right now…
FireWall: Which Best?
I’m kind of looking for free or “free”-able progz. (Don’t know if we can say this here…) I don’t wanna spend anymore money in my PC. But I want to have him running good! :content:
BTW - The HD is parted(?). It has 2 partitions, C: for the windows XP and programs and the users documents and D: just for the documents.
I would like to put windows “My documents folder” into the other partition without windows freaking out! Is this possible, how?
thx a lot!

i use eudora for email. www.eudora.com
outlook is very vulnerable to virus stuff etc. And it is microsoft :tongue:

This has got to go. Way too vulnerable, especially in windowsXP. I recommend Mozilla/Firefox instead.

I assume you mean media player. I recommend WinAMP

Not sure what you mean here. I use Audacity for editing audio files.

No way, Jose. That is just begging for a virus. I use web-based emails (Yahoo!)

I typically don’t run an anti-virus because of the drain on the system. But I do scan with Stinger occasionally.

I use ZoneAlarm. It works for me.

I use advast…Don’t forget to dust out your computer, as strange as this sounds it works. Empty the system restore files ever few months, sometimes this collects viri. Make sure to continue to back up after so. I personally like to check the registry to get know to what programs should be there (helps for viri and spyware).

I am just curious, how much RAM do you have. If you have too little ram that can cause your computer to run slow.

As for browsers: Fire Fox seems to be everyone’s favorite

Inti-virus: I prefer to go with a name brand like McAfee or Norton’s.

Firewall: again, go with a name brand like: McAfee, Norton’s, or zone alarm.

Spy-ware: Spy-bot is by far the best in my opinion. Although it is free, it is still the best. If you your system can handle it, you might want to get spy-gate as well (which is also free). Just make sure you have enough ram as this program runs in the background.

With a good Firewall, Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware, wouldn’t the InternetExplorer’s vulnerability go away?!
I like the FireFox, but they have told me that some pages go strange on it 'cause they’re optimized for Iexplorer!
BTW - Can anyone tell me how I can move the “my documents” folder to another partition, without causing windows to trip?

Yes with good protection IE should be ok.

I don’t know if you can.

What you need is Gmail! I’ll give you an invitation to start a gmail account if you like. Gmail is by far the most awesome online email service.

Thx Matchew I already have an e-mail acount! :content: it’s very cool, but I like to run my mail with a e-mail client like outlook express or so…
BTW - I also have a lot of invitations to give… GMail anyone? :content:

My current settings -
Antispyware: Ad-Aware SE Professional (Ccked)
AntiVirus: Avast 4.6 Progessional (Cr
cked and updated)
Firewall: Sygate (about to be cr**cked)
Sound Editor: gonna download Nuendo.
When I finnish downloading everything, I’m gonna run a major scan and defrag on all units + plus i’m going to clean the registry files :content:
what do you think?
BTW - I managed to change the My Documents folder without windows freaking out! I right-clicked the Icon on the desktop, and changed the shortcut destination to the desired folder. Windows asked me somethings and I think it feels okay about it! :content: