okay i woke up at 3 in the morning after a nonlucid dream. then, i said about 5 or 6 times, the next time i’m dreaming, i want to remember i’m dreaming. after that i just looked at the hypnogiac imagery. somewhere along the way i must have fallen asleep yet i was still looking at those swirls in the black background. however, i felt a strong touch on my shoulder. not aggressive but it was guiding me into the dreamworld i guess. i saw things flying by but i cant remember and then this lucid poem i had never read played and the last line was, “i have the power”. after that i entered the dream fully lucid in my kitchen. i wont get into the specifics in the dream, thats for another forum. however i have a few questions. 1) did i successfully do WILD or was it MILD? 2) who was the person guiding me into the dream world? i didn’t see anyone so perhaps it was no one but i could be my dream guide.
anyone, anyone at all? i’m desperate for opinions
maybe it was a dream guide or u felt uneasy or overwhelmed and your mind made up someone to comfort u as u traveled into the dream world
thanks sub-zero, that makes a lot of scence, i was kinda hoping it was my dream guide though…however i still wanna know if it was a WILD or not…
Well, if you went from laying there awake to walking around in a lucid dream, all the while remaining conscious, then it was a WILD. Since you had already slept a bit first, you were able to enter directly into a dream from the waking state - the exact definition of a WILD.
Well done, that’s not an easy thing to accomplish.