Ive been doing alot of work with my Pendulum lattley. The swiss army knife of spiritual tools. There is so much you can do them for. Rather if you think its all phychological, or a divine higher sorce it dosnt matter. Ive been using mine lattley to do dream work, and to learn what a dream is telling me, because its a great, and easy way to connect to your subconsiouse. For example I may ask if water in a dream represented whatever, and I would get a eather yes, or no responce. I would search the subject if you are intersted, because I love it. Now it does take some learning. Just like learning to play an instrument. First you have to callbrate your Pendulum to see what a yes, and no responce is, then you have to practice with it awhile, because you want to ask a question then clear your mind for the answer you get. So research the subject. Now you can make a pendulum easy enough or you can buy a really nice one. So just thought you might be intersted in a cool way to do your dream work. It blew me away
So… what do you mean by dream work?
dream interpretation. Now you can take it a step further by making a pendulum chart which is like a Oujia board, but Pendulums are safer to use then a Oujia board. Never use a Oujia board alone, but its OK to Pendulum dowse with one. Like I said it does take some practice. Ive had mine for a month, and Im still trying to get the hang of it.
Slight subject change.
As far as Dream work with a Ouija board I would not suggest it. Alot of people(teens) like to mess around with Ouija boards, and the other side, It is not a toy, and should be taken seriously. People can use them alone, but you have to know what you are doing. The last time I used a Ouija board about 20 years ago I spoke to a 8 year old girl who was lost her life in the 40s by falling off the monkey bars, and braking her neck. She wanted us to contact her sisster to let her know it wasnt her fault that she died. She gave us her whole name, and it was in the phone book, but ofcorse I didnt call. She was the coolest spirit Ive spoken with.