OK, I’ll start by telling you my name is Todd. I live in the UK where Todd isn’t a very common name so I’m the only Todd I’ve ever met.
Ever since I can remember, even back in secondary school [age 11-16] people have been calling me Scott. There were one or two teachers who constantly called me Scott. It got to the point where I wouldn’t even correct them anymore, even my friends noticed. I thought nothing of it at the time, maybe there was someone with the same family name or who looked like me I thought. But even when I started college teachers still called me Scott. Likewise when I started working. I’ve had three jobs where people called me Scott by mistake. This was starting to get wierd I though.
Then I went to live in China and things got wierder. People who had never met another foreigner, let alone someone called Todd were calling me Scott! It was happening more and more often, I thought I was going a little insane, it must be something I’m doing I thought. How could all these people from one side of the world to the other all get the wrong name?!
Well, I had to come back home [much to my displeasure] and got another job, it started all over again. I stopped working a few weeks ago and I’m waiting now till college starts again and I expect I’ll happen all over again, but I’ve no idea why.
The only thing I can think of that might explain it in a ‘spiritual’ sence is that in a past life maybe I was called Scott, or maybe thats the name of my guardian or something. When I was really young I used to complain to my mother that their was “a scary old man watching me sleep” apparently…
wow, interesting story Krum. I love hearing odd tales like these.
I know about 3 Todds walking distance from my house, but I’ve never heard anyone mistake them as “Scott”
LOL This is too weird. My first name is also Todd and the same thing happens to me all the time. There must be some weird connection between Todd and Scott.
Very weird story… Perhaps it has something to do with a strange correlation between the phonetics of “Scott” and “Todd” and some weird brain mechanics…
I’ve had a similar experience to this. People don’t call me Scott (that would be weird, as I am a girl! ) I always seem to get called Caroline by people who don’t know me. Just one of those things, I suppose
Wow… that’s weird. I have a friend named Todd and in one of my classes the teacher called him Scott and I talked to him about it. He told me that tons of people call him Scott.
I talk to him all the time and infact he works where I used to work. We have been friends since grammar school and I’ve always called him Todd, along with my parents and his friends.
But I can say that I’ve heard people call him Scott which is weird.
its a conspiracy! beware of the Todds they are taking over the planet sumhow and our subconsious is trying to warn us by making us call them Scott which is the name of a paper towel brand! See the connection!!!
Thanks for all the replies, at least now I know I’m not the only one who this is happening too. Its just something I’ve always wanted to get off my chest, I feel a lot better now