People can be stupid...

It seems people often forget to password thier security webcams…


There are other things that can be done with google, if you use your imagination, i heard that you can access phpmyadmin on lots of sites with inurl:“ViewerFrame?Mode=”

and “# Dumping data for table (username|user|users|password)” -cvs can yield interesting results as well


that is indeed very interesting, and very educational. thanks :smile:

check this thread, “Big Brother exposed”

damn. oh well, [boast]at least you people can get the root password of websites with MY links[/boast]

lol, one of the topics (this one) should probably be closed.

well it’s always a good idea to expose this kind of information because how else would you know you could be potentially hack-able? it’d sure want to know of any ways to get past security vulnerabilities so I can keep the site/services secure for all who are “supposed” to be using it haha

btw matt try keeping your double-posts down. if it’s only been a few minutes after you’ve posted and you want to change it, just click the edit button when you are viewing your posts. i notice you are new so you are forgiven :smile: thanks!!

google can be used for many things. Finding webcams whether they are intentional or not.

Spoofing access into password protected sites.

Finding root dirs/ and specific files

Exploiting poor security forums.

If you know how to search for it Google is a crackers best friend.

Next to a good brute forcer and a telnet client!