Performing SP

I just got through with my first approach to obtain Sleep paralysis, but I have a few problems. I was sitting in my lazy boy rocking chair, and I put up the foot rest, and I began the ladder excercise. (Where you breathe in, and visualize yourself climbing upwards, and exhale and visualize yourself decending.) My hands and arms began to go numb, It felt as if they weren’t there anymore, and yes I know this is normal, but I stopped counting and opened my eyes and started focusing on my headphones to my CD player. My vision began to blur and shift quite rapidly, colors started becoming distorted, and so on. A few minutes of this, I stopped. I noticed that it wasn’t doing anything but making my eyes hurt. I kept blinking over and over again, and I kept having the urge to swallow the spit that was gathering up in my mouth.

Anyway, is there something I’m doing wrong? Am I supposed to keep my eyes closed while attempting SP, or have them open until I go into full SP? I guess I’m taking on too many projects at one time to fully understand the concept of this process, but if anyone could point me through the steps I would be grateful.

Thanks in advance.

Perhaps you are confused with SP and WILD? SP is more like an involuntary state your body falls into upon awaking from an LD. From your description, you are talking about WILDing.

I’ve never heard of doing it in a chair before. I think that you do it while in bed trying to go to sleep. Of course I’m not the person to ask, because I can’t do WILD, and SP is a large part of WILD.

Well, could one of you help me out here? What do I do? :help:

We do have a thread for the tutorial. and a WILD FAQ thread

They are not available. It says the link or thread that I have opened does not exist anymore.

Q: What are the various signs of WILD?

A: You are most likely WILDing if you experience HI, SP, or vibrations.
Just a few Q&As,
Q: How can I induce a WILD?

A: WILDs can be induced by counting “1-I’m dreaming, 2-I’m dreaming…”. They can also be induced by pretending to walk down a long staircase, counting every stair, and imagining exactly what it would be like IRL. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings (for instance, how hot or cold, how rough or smooth, etc.) There are many other ways to induce WILDS. Make sure to check out the Additional Resources found at the end of this FAQ.

Q: How does the difficulty of inducing a WILD compare to the difficulty of using other techniques?

A: WILD is by far the most difficult technique to learn. It takes most people a lot of patience and practice. For some, however, it can be mastered quite quickly for a few lucky people have a natural talent for WILDing.

Q: Why would I ever want to use WILD if it takes that long to learn?

A: WILD allows you the ability to have LDs consistently on command. This is not so easy with the other methods. WILD has been known by as some to be the Hloy Grail of LDing. This is a loose definition, however, as it takes a lot of practice, and is not the best method for everyone.

Q: What is SP?

A: SP stands for sleep paralysis. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs every night (well, every night you go to sleep ). Your body actually becomes completely paralyzed, thus not allowing you to act out your dreams IRL. You may feel a slight tingle of relaxation right before SP sets in.

Q: PARALYZED!! What if my house starts burning down?!

A: Like previously stated, SP is a natural occurence: it is nothing to worry about. One can conciously disable SP simply by concentrating. At maximum, you should be fully out of SP in fifteen seconds.

Q: I don’t seem to be having much success at WILD, what am I doing wrong?

A: Well, there are many factors to consider, so I will only address a few, primary ones. First, are you in a dark room? Second, what is the temperature of the room: is it comfortable? Third, how tired are you? Do you feel like you need sleep? Are you too tired to attempt a WILD? Fourth, are your surroundings quiet enough for you to concentrate on your goal? Perhaps this just isn’t the right technique for you, almost everything dream-related is unique to each person.

Q: I’ve heard rumors that WILDing can be painful…is this true?

A: WILDing has been known to be painful. Some people experience absolutely no pain, while others feel a choking sensation like they are going to die.

Q: Should I be concerned about my health while WILDing?

A: There are no more health risks involved in WILDing then there are in dreaming (which is indefinately none). You may not want to take any chances, however, if you have a pace-maker.

I get SP if I am tired and fall asleep on my back. I get a weird feeling in my forehead usually before, so I know it’s coming. I’ve turned them into LD’s before but they’re always terrible ones.