Ok, I don’t think anybody whose heard of me before is surprised. :nuu:

Has anybody ever seen it?
Movie OR stage version.
Just don’t bash
too much

I saw the strange film version where he is like evil and kill people…

…also I have seen some stage recordings shown on TV.
Can remember much and never got to see an entire of does.

the musical, or… another one.
there are a couple.
was it lon chaney, or…

there are, like, 5 or 6 versions other than the musical…

I despise the movie version of the musical…


I went to see the musical in San Francisco in the nineties for my…seventh brithday…at least I think it was my seventh birthday. I went with my good friend and his mother, whom I still see on an almost daily basis. I loved it! Of course, at seven years old, the chandeleir crashing and making all the noise and lights and whatnot was my favorite part, and I didn’t really comprehend the storyline. I’d love to see it again if it came around again, but I’d never resort to the film version.

I think it was the 1989 horror one by Gaston Leroux.

Seriously, the film version isn’t that bad! It’s just… a lot sexier and more, well, Gerard Butler just has a more rock-ish voice. I swear, it’s not that bad!
Except Raoul’s even more of a fop.
Emmy’s good, though.

ohhhh! oooh.
Yeah, apparently, that’s a real gory one because Freddy Kruger starred. :roll: :no:

And Gaston LeRoux wrote the novel Phantom of the Opera, so every version of it is based off his book, to some degree. The most faithful to the book is the 1925 silent, black and white film with Lon Chaney, and that’s one of my favorites!

Hahah, when I told my friends about it, they thought I was crazy, because it’s a) silent, and b) black and white…

goes off, lost in memories, completley ADD

I commend you. Most folks your age shun silent and b/w films. (Lon Chaney was amazing, btw)

i liked the film, but i DID see a play version that i must say was better.

I love a lot of black and white films, with the exception of House on Haunted HIll. Seriously, that was really not very good :meh:

on the topic of B&W movies… well nothing is better then Casablanca

and on the topic of plays, let’s see…

i like most plays i see, although i haven’t seen one in quite awhile, unless the school plays count, which are always good for such a short budget

Gotta disagree there. Tod Browning’s “Freaks” beats Casablanca in my opinion. (Of course, I say this as a horror fanatic :razz: )

I’ve only seen the movie version and I have to say it was rather good. I still would love to be able to see a stage version of it though I known it would be 100 times better.

My highschool marching band actually did the music from it while my brother was still going there. It was awesome cause they had people dressed up as the characters running around on the feild acting parts out.

As for B&W movies I think they are amazing and need to be revisited. “Young Frankenstein” was amazing in B&W.

Yeah, I’m DYING to see the stage version! I just regret missing out on all my favorite Phantoms and Christines!
Anyone ever seen another of Lon Chaney’s movies, The Monster? He’s GENIUS in it!

new topic moved into original topic :moogle:

I LOVE THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA it is one of my favoret movies, I love everything about it and I love this song escpecally,
Night-time sharpens,
heightens each sensation . . .
Darkness stirs and
wakes imagination . . .
Silently the senses
abandon their defences . . .
Slowly, gently
night unfurls its splendour . . .
Grasp it, sense it -
tremulous and tender . . .
Turn your face away
from the garish light of day,
turn your thoughts away
from cold, unfeeling light -
and listen to
the music of the night . . .
Close your eyes
and surrender to your
darkest dreams!
Purge your thoughts
of the life
you knew before!
Its music of the night I like the 2004 movie.What about you do you feel the same way? I get to go see the actual opera this september and also i’m reading the book :content:

I’ve been a PotO fan for many years. Can’t really say I like the new movie, far too modernized for my taste, but I really adore the stage musical which I’ve seen once, when I was in London. I’ve read the book and I’m thinking about getting this other book about Erik named “Phantom” by Susan Kay, apparently it’s very good. :cool:

omg I love the film version I didn’t like the one with sarah brightman though, not at ALL but emmy rosem is good.

I saw the most recent film version.

I’m sorry, but I am in love with the music; its just SPECTACULAR.
It gives me shivers everything I hear it.

yeah, I know me too its soooo amazing I wan’t to dream about it, his face doesn’t even faze me anymore.

I find it really sad that there is STILL prejudice today about people with facial scaring or birthmarks