Has someone already tried picking up a phone and dialing a known or random number in an LD? What happened?
I’ve recorded only one LD (actually it was very low-level) where I tried to use a phone. It was a pay phone, and it didn’t work.
I did try to call someone in on my last lds with my cell phone, but whenever i got to the last digits of the number, it showed wrong number or the last number got erased
Seems like the dream wanted to make fun of me for some reason…
I don’t ever even remember using a phone in a dream ever… Weird
i read somewhere that when you get a phone call in a dream, the person who is calling may be trying to express a thought to you - which they can’t get thru to you in ordinary reality.
This has proved to quite often be the case in my dreams - and I have learnt things from my friends. I have been able to ask them about these thigns and -and they have agreed that this was on their minds.
Only ever got one phone call, in a lucid dream. I didn’t get the chance to pick up the phone though.
I also remember being given a phone in a normal dream, that enabled me to see two places at once. I could talk to a friend, and see both the environment I was talking in, and the place that they were in. It was quite cool.
^ That sounds like a sit-com.
Tonight i had a dream in which my father called me on my mobile phone. He talked to me about software piracy. I told him that this is not such a great problem for me… But finally he succeeded in making me a bad conscience.
At first i just had him on the phone but after a while he appeared where i was and i talked to him sitting in front of me and with the phone on my ear.
Did you decide to give up software piracy or will it take a few more dreams?
Sounds like cool idea-im gonna try it!!!