Photo album or Theater in dream?

I couldnt find anything exactly what I wanted to find.

Has anyone dreamed about a remote control where they can flip through old “photos” or images in their head or even “videos” or things that have happened but have looked at them like they were watching a movie in a theater?

I had a dream last night where i was half lucid (?) where I said to someone who had a remote control to “search for my name” and they started flipping through a photo album on a theater screen… and I kept seeing different images… some of things that i havent thought of in a long time.

If I could control the whole thing sometime… and become really lucid it might be interesting to see what type of pictures i see from such a dream…
has someone already done it?

that is a great idea!! im so ganna try that. Just flipping through a photo album! very interesting

it was so weird… someone else had control of the “photo album” and was flipping through pictures… there were things coming up that i havent thought of in a long long time… some things that i DIDNT want to remember… and some other things

That could be very interesting!

Imagine that you could reach really deep in your subconscious and see something that you don’t remember, also in picture or movie mode!

Hmm, that could be my next LD goal! :content:

Very interesting indeed, I don’t think my lucide dream skills are good enough yet to do this, but I will certainly follow this topic.

Yeah that is interesting indeed, I think I read that somewhere before (something like that).

However I hope the/my photo album won’t be filled with fake memories. (I lately dream a lot about for example a person, that in the dream I think I have seen before, but in real life I do not know at all)

Well… I definatly do not have the skills yet to MAKE this work… I was just dreaming normally and some things I could control…
When I get there I hope I can get this to work… would be cool to see if you can pick a time in your life and go somewhere that you dont remember in your mind… for example… Age 3 or something like that.

I was just interested if anyone got this to work?
I am still trying to stay lucid long enough to accomplish anything… and to relax and not get so excited and wake up.

I have bad news, I didn’t even try it. I forgot about it… Well I was struggling with DR and becoming lucid at first. Then I got it going and now I started to work at my new job and now everything is messed up. So I can’t tell you anything particular… But when I get my daily routine in work again I will try that, and this time I write it in my to do lucid list… :content:

well you’ll definatly get there before I do…
My last LD I was going to try and call someone with a phone that I saw… but I lost control and woke up…
in a ND I got called on the phone from someone that broke into my house (the first part of the dream was him robbing our house) He said on the phone “I’ll see you in the year 20XX” (the xx stand for a year that I couldn’t remember after waking) and the voice coming through the phone was so realistic.

Limitles… did you get it to work?