Hi folks,
I am happy that i stumbled across this topic, i know a lot about this photographic memory, it has been something that i have been into for a long time now.
Do you remember the movie Rain Man, well Tom Cruise plays this guy who never knew he had a brother which is played by Dustin Hoffman and Dustin has a few problems, i am not sure what the name of his problem was, he never liked water and got very scared, but what he had was a photographic memory. There is a scene where Tom drops a box of matches and quickly Dustin says how many are left in the box. That’s because his brain can pick up the number of matches out of the box and then divide it from the number which is in the box, and he gets his answer. When Tom finds out about this rare talent, he gets happy and they go to a casino and he is able to win every time on the blackjack table, because every card that is dealt on the table, Dustin’s eyes very quicly picks up on it, and to Dustin it is second nature, it is like his eye absorbs the whole table.
Now photographic memorys are possible and there are poeple out there that have them, and i am sure it has been proved and that it is nothing new.
Now there is 2 kinds of photographic memory there is one in which your mind takes photos of everything and holds it somewhere in the mind which nobody really knows as of yet where this information is being held.
Then there is something called photoreading where you can take a book and look at one page in a second and go through it, like for example a 300 page book in 20 mins and then you can recall the book, not word for word, but you will know it pretty well and will understand the story.
There are home study photo reading courses that you can take which costs between 200-300 dollars. Also there is a 2 weekend lecture where they teach you how to learn it and in one of these lectures that i have read about they basically won’t let you leave until it really works for you or its your money back.
Now this is different to speed reading or mega speed reading, thats where you can read 25000 words per minute but your actually not picking up a mental picture of the book. In speed reading your reading part of the book very fast, its like your letting your eyes wander across the page really quickly.
Now having a pohotographic memory is possible. The CIA for years have been training their spys to have them. Like for instance, what the top spys from around the world have to be good at is absorbing information on a very high level. I know this, as there was a documentary on it, on the discovery channel a few years ago. Also you would also see it in the occassional hollywood movie, any way in the documnetary the ex spy said we would be trained by opening up a fridge for 10 secs and see exactly what kind of fruit and vegetables were in it and then recall everything back and they would keep on repeating this until they could recall everything in the fridge. What they do is by looking at this briefly then a image is held in the mind where you can recall it.
Now back to speed reading, i bought a course a while ago called mega speed reading and it says on the course box that you can achieve 25000 words per minute. I of course was not sure if i was doing it correctly, but i could scan the pages quite fast but it did not mean that i understood the book. So i think it varies upon peron to person but the guy who made this book was the worlds fastest reader i cannot remeber the guys name but he could read even faster than 25000 words per minute and he showed it to the wolrd on live tv and he has been in the news all over the world. He is also in the Guiness Book of Records. So i do believe it is possible but i think i would of learnt better not from a home study course but from going to a seminar or lecture.
Now one of the reasons i am into all this and know so much is because a few years ago i was very much into magic and illusion and mind reading these days i am more into hynotherapy. But anyway in that time frame i was blown away by the abilitys of this pyschological mind reader in my home country and in one of his tv shows he visited a libary and asked the libarian to pick out any book and he then read it for 20 mins by scanning each page in his mind for a few seconds and then he aksed the libarian to name a page in the book and then any line. Then the mind reader demonstrated photo reading and said the words on the sentence after just scanning the book for 20 mins and this was a random choice, that just shows photreading is real, and it is all part of having a photographic memory.
Also when i was a kid my teacher said to me. How do i think? i cannot remember what i replied back, but i remember her saying that you should think in cartoons it makes everything easier to remember, and by thinking in cartoons you can remeber things like a movie reel. Then from that day on i was developing a sort of movie reel in my mind and then it went from a cartoon like to the every day looking images that my eyes pick up.
Now i do not know if this next bit means i have a photographic memory but i will tell you, sometimes i am able to see something for a while on TV. Like today it happend and i was watching the Tennis and as i am writing this i can see the image still in my mind even though i only saw it for 30 seconds i believe because on the tv it looks big it is easier to remember. I was watching the womens final in tennis on the olympics and there was mauresmo playing this belgium women i cannot remeber her name, but i do remember this image in my mind, which was telling me how many aces and doble faults had happend in their game, and the total percentag between the two, and i can tell you that just by me thinking about the room i was in.
Anyway when i was at school many years ago, there was this sweedish boy sitting next to me just before the Geography exam and he told me to test him on this table to do with the exam and he handed me the table and he faced the other way and started reading what was off the table and i was saying if it was correct or not and constanty he was getting everything word perfect in that chart and i was blown away and said what is it, do you have a photographic memory? but he would not tell me his secret but it was amazing and i believe it was a photographic memory.
This topic has brought a lot of info on what the human mind is capable of
I also have a few questions, i would like to know if this is normal, i always wanted to ask becasue i believe that sometimes the way my mind operates is a bit above normal and that is why maybe i feel depleted of energy because my brain has to process so much more. Okay what i am trying to say is this.
When i think about something i see it with perfect clarity in my mind but it feels projected infront of me, it’s hard to describe. I also can get lost in my thought because i have incredible visualisation skills but the problem is when i put it towards obe or lucid dream development it becomes a lot harder, but in general i can basically be somewhere and during that moment in my mind, during that basic day dream it feels just as real as when i am in the late part of my dream you know the part when it has been about 6-7 hours of sleep and you are in your final really long REM stage where it feels so real, well that is the exact feeling i get when i get lost in my thoughts and also when i just think about something.
So is all this energy power depleting me and is this normal or is the way in which i think is ultra amazing or the same as anyone else?
Well this draws to the end of this very interesting topic, i hope i have given some very valuable information and i hope that someone could answer my question.
Thank you and all the best regards.