Physical Healing through Lucid Dreams???

Hi Everyone, :smile:

I’ve thought about this subject for a long time and seriously believe it is possible to physically heal anything through lucid dreaming. Of course I don’t have any solid proof but I’m determined to get some. I’ve recently started doing things to try and become lucid again (it only happened once for me a while ago and I didn’t really “try” to do it again since…life got in the way and distracted me) but now I’m ready to get serious.

I won’t get into details for fear of people thinking I’m foolish or what have you…but I could definitely use healing and if it doesn’t work, I’m really no worse off than before. I was also thinking that if I couldn’t achieve the control needed for lucid dream healing, that someone with good control of thier dreams could probably heal others liked me.

I’ve read about a few healings that have been accomplished through this and I fully believe our minds can do anything. “If the mind can percieve it, the body can achieve it”. There has been so much proof that the mind/body connection can do some amazing things so this is probably very logical to many people. I’m just starting my path to lucidity but I know I can become lucid from previous experience and I didn’t try very hard back then so who knows what I can accomplish this time.

It may sound crazy to some of you but I’ve healed things on myself here & there before, nothing giant but many annoyances that I was happy to be rid of. Never through dreaming, mostly with cleaning chakras and cleaning my body with visualization of light and energy and such or just using my mind to just “see” the problem gone and it would go away. Thats why I am so sure of the mind/body connection thing working. I just don’t have good enough concentration to access that subconscience that we need to get to. Lucid dreams seem perfect though…right?

I would LOVE to find someone interested enough to experiment or research this with me or just to talk about it with…but I’ll settle for just getting responses here…It would be interesting to hear what others think or if anyone has accomplished thier own healing through dreams, whether it was a healed papercut in day or something bigger.
What do you think?

Thanks for reading! :wiske:

Hi Erixe :smile:
Emotional blockades could be healed or find improving thats for sure.
Because you can experience a lot in a lucid dream.

But remember for physical deceases it would be in most cases not be possible. But for some maybe it could make a slight change.

for example you could have a great impact experience that lowered your stress because u take the memory with you into waking life.
But most u couldnt else u could say to ppl that are badly ill go c a hypnotist and with the suggestion all is healed.
Well that doesnt work that way. Take genetic deceases for example…what will a lucid dream or dream change there…correct dna?
I mean why would ppl then buy coloured contascts?
They just think “when i wake up my blue eyes are brown” that would then also be possible.

So traumatic experiences, things like fear, stress those all could have a gain from lucid dreams…some neurological defects also but i think thats mostly it, besides lowering your stress hormones :smile:

Worth a shot though. Perhaps you could make a cut on each arm. Then whenever you have lucid dreams concentrate on healing one of the cuts and that one only, then see which one heals first.

i’ve wanted to do this too… I think I’ll go for my vision, as it’s so horrible :sad:

last night I was playing around with energy while lucid… hmm… it was so odd, I was reflecting on how absolutely easy it is to manipulate and see energy while lucid, but if I were to spontaneously wake up right now and do the exact same thing, I would barely get any if at all results.

But… one thing I struggle with is making the energy “pure” like, a blinding glowing white light, it’s often polluted with impurities and stuff… but anyway… sometimes I take a huge wad of energy and shove it into one of my respective charka locations, I have not particularly noticed an effect…

aside from almost opening my third eye in an NDE… I should strive to have one again…

anyway, I think the first and foremost goal is immediate lucidity in your first slepe cycle, followed by meditation, no goofing off, just mediate, just be… just stay in sight of your healing goals for as long as possible.


I recommend this article by LaBerge if you have not already read it: … eaming.htm

OK, possibly you have seen these already, but I thought I’d post them anyway.

This one is about a personal experience with ld healing: … ucid_d.htm

Apropos mind-body connection, this one is about sports and LDing: … ming_i.htm

Generally the site that has all of these articles is excellent, you’ll find a lot of interesting articles there (the urls above might go away, but this one should stay up):

I’m also interested in healing, and I think LDing is excellent for it. I just need to start LDing in the first place. Visualisation for physical healing is, as I understand, well documented. And you won’t find visualisation any more vivid than in a LD (as LaBerge writes). I would be interested in hearing results.

I also heard or read somewhere that there are cases where people with multiple personality disorder have allergy or even astma when one personality is active, but not when others are… If that’s true, then our mind-body connection is really stunning. I would need some more documentation before I’m fully convinced, though. I’ll try searching the net, but if anyone has a reference that would be cool.

Right, this was cool. I have been thinking I should research what I heard about MPD and allergy / asthma, and now I did. Here are the results:

A case of allergy is mentioned at the beginning of this piece: … 4&pgtype=1

At the bottom of this page, an article is summarised. Go to the heading
“Allergies and multiple personality disorder” … i_73959327

This page says:
“There are reports of variation in physiological function across identity states (e.g., differences in visual acuity, pain tolerance, symptoms of asthma, sensitivity to allergens, and response of blood glucose to insulin).”

This one is about asthma, or as it seems, asthma-like symptoms. … 000002.asp

Here it says:
“When under the control of one alter, they may exhibit different behaviors, mannerisms, personalities, gender orientation, and physical properties (such as handedness, allergies and eyesight)”

Wow great responses & references.
I actually have done a bit of researching on physical healing through lucid dreams and there seem to be people out there claiming to have done healing of all sorts through thier LD’s but I personally don’t know yet because I haven’t been able to try yet.

I like the idea of cutting yourself and seeing if you could heal it but I’m not good with getting lucid yet so I’d have to cut myself every night hoping to become lucid that night…lol…and that’s a bit extreme.

It goes along the same type of thing like in hypnosis people have been told they were burned but they weren’t really, yet a burn seemed to appear in the exact spot they were told they burned. Or people that were put in a bed and told the patient before them in the bed had a contagious and serious disease…a few days later the new person develops all the signs and symptoms of the supposed previous patients disease yet there was really no one ever in that bed before.
The mind is an amazing thing…it can do anything!

I’m remembering my dreams well now…I’ll report any findings if anyones interested.

I recently decided to keep a pad & pen by my bed to write any dreams down and the first night, I dreampt I was writing my dream in the pad and wrote the whole thing down but I wonder why I didn’t realize I was dreaming & become lucid…I mean, I was actually writing & thinking about dreaming & being lucid so why didnt I do the dang RC??? lol

I woke up and looked at pad…realized I didn’t write anything down ::sigh::

Well the first thing many ppl could start experiment then with when they have a lucid dream, is instead of healing, start telling or suggesting they get from now on every night a lucid dream!
Or at least way more frequently then they are used to
As good as that works i think so good will healing work from a ld.

“It goes along the same type of thing like in hypnosis people have been told they were burned but they weren’t really, yet a burn seemed to appear in the exact spot they were told they burned.”

i’ve heard of this but never seen it proven…

it seems very unreasonable, hypnosis is not a submission of your will to someone else (unless you want to) it’s somtehing you have to approve of, if you hypnotize a man and tell him to kill someone, unless he’s cool with killing people he probably won’t do it… he might snap out of it and punch you or something.

that’s my understanding.

This is a great topic, maybe it needs its own separate section. I think Jeff (two notes above) made a good point about a good first thing to do in an LD is to reinforce having lucid dreams in the LD. I had an LD a week ago, and my intent was to do just that - reinforce the behavior (becoming lucid). But instead, there was a girl there in the LD, and well… you know…I was distracted :grin: . I missed the opportunity that time. The goal here (for me) is to try to set up a reliable process in prepping for an LD so that a pre-planned mission of making LDs a habit, like visualizing making that choice when meditating about NDs or LDs.

Its all so time-consuming, and energy-consuming (for some reason). But our minds are amazing, and I think its worth the effort of persistance.