PILD and TILD do they work? :???:

:help: I was wondering does TILD and PILD work? I tried PILD last knight (my first time trying) with WILD and I did not exspearience a LD although I did expearience SP. :confused:

In my opinion, no. PILD and similar techniques remind me of aversion therapy that they used on people with developmental disabilities and people who wanted to quit smoking/drinking. It was proven to be ineffective.

I believe that you just need to seriously practice every day and have patients. Your lucid dreams will come.

Do you keep a dream journal ???

Do you do regular RC’s ???

Do you regularly practice an induction technique like MILD or WILD ???

If you answered no to any of these that is where I would suggest you start there before trying more extreme methods.

and yes,
I do keep a dream journal,
I do do RC’s often,
I did try WILD (2 times),
I am trying MILD tonight,
But I just started trying to have an LD recently and am starting to keep a dream jornal. :smile: For RC’s I do try and breathe through a pinched nose and cout your fingers

Sounds like you are on the right track. Just do the exercises seriously. Before you do the RC ask yourself “am I dreaming” Really consider this question. Then use the RC to prove that you are not.

Good luck

thanks, the other night I actualy dreamt that i had an LD (in a MD) but my first dream was in control (so close) :smile:

I never experience TILD.
If PILD ever works, it doesn’t work immediatly ! I tried for 2 weeks, then I gave up. I had the same results without.

Theorically, the “reward/punishment” technique could work : it’s the basis of upbringing and learning. But in PILD, there is no reward : it could be the problem.
Imagine you’re teaching a friend of yours LDing : from the beginning of learning, if he has no LD in a night, he gets a kick in the bottom. If he has one, he gets not even a smile. I don’t feel this learning method very convincing…

I think that PILD is planed to work with DILD, not WILD, cause it’s a kind of autosuggestion trick.


sparky_500, please don’t post the same question twice, or edit the previous mention to ask replies to be put in the other thread. I’ll now paste in what I wrote on the sticky thread that I now deleted.

I have never found any mentions of TILD (Thirst Induced Lucid Dream) beyond the Lucid Dreaming FAQ. It is therefore rated red at the wikibook.

As for TILD (Trance Induced Lucid Dream), that sounds to me very close to WILD. Try reading up on WILD, as again, I have found very little on TILD.

Getting an LD would be a good enough reward would’nt it?

Are you willing to rely on that when you could also spice the system up with some chocolate? :wink: