pineal gland

Yes, you seem to know that well, so please, use the word hypothesis in the future. :smile:

I have a great difficulty believing that the numbers given in that video are even close to accurate, especially the number 30,000, since, according to the IPCC:

In addition, in a random sampling of over 1000 scientific papers in scientific journals about climate change, do you know how many stated the contrary, that climate change / human cause is a “fraud”? Not one! This is clearly documented, and this video shows that a single person (John Coleman) operating under irrationality, emotional basis and definitely not under the scientific method is criticizing it? What sort of credibility do you think such a person has against the thousands of peer-reviewed scientific articles that claim the exact contrary, and are based upon observable evidence?

Well i can’t really argue about climate change, but i have my doubts. Earth has been warmer before, temperatures rise and fall all the time, the sun and other planets are getting warmer aswell etc.

I’ve been using fluoride free toothpaste for maybe 1-2 months now and I think my visualization and vividness in dreams has increased. Can’t think of anything else in these 2 months that could have increased them.

I’ve been taking the train a lot recently and have noticed that my computer has been running faster than usual lately. I can’t think of anything else that could have increased my computer speed. Therefore, taking the train increases computer speed.

this reminds me of the crazy general in dr. strangelove, i’m pretty sure fluoride isn’t going to do anything except make your teeth cleaner, but i could be wrong. Im not a scientist or anything but i like my toothpaste just the way it is

people make fun of truthful statements calling them crazy, but the people telling the truth are somewhat to blame for this, as they can get strung out angry paranoid and fearful and vindicative

the general in dr strangelove told the truth, our water is not clean, we are dehydrated,

flouride is a neuro-toxin , and it destroys teeth sometimes,

but this doesn’t matter too much,

in fact everything the general said is completely true, you just need to think about it ,

retain the purity of essence, this is the basic science of all tantric and taoist teachings on that energy circuit, retain it and bring the energy up higher, a quick way to discover we really do have chakras.

for kava :
amethyst crystals, orgone generators, sun and moon gazing (applying safety rules ) make your pineal gland huge

using a spiritual mantra of any sort in any spiritual language that is of love and light will open us up, and is more powerful than tap water :smile:

I’m sorry, I must ask; Do you actually operate under any logic at all? If you don’t, these statements should make perfect sense to you.

Air is completely bad for humans, since they contain pollutants.
Beds are bad for productivity, since they make people sleep.
The Quran and Bible are all true since they claim themselves they are true.

(These statements all contain fundamental logical fallacies… similar to those you make yourself. If you cannot recognize the absurdity, you’re not operating under a sufficient logic to have coherent sensible discussion)

At least my statement made sense since the pineal gland does visualize and regulates sleep.

“I stopped brushing my teeth recently, and they are getting dirtier. Cant think of anything else that made them dirtier.”

the pickle we are in i think , is that i don’t agree that toothpaste WITH flouride will make anything worse either. also where i live the water has flouride in it and i drink it from the tap (filtered through a brita pitcher) so i suppose that would be worse anyway… wait a sec what does this have to do with lucid dreaming?

I think it does… The pineal gland regulates sleep and visualizes. Not surprised if makes us dream too. Many OBE researchers think the pineal gland makes us OBE aswell.

It does not matter whether you think it does or not. What matters is if there is evidence to back up your statement. In the two encyclopedias I looked up the term in I found nothing which connected in any way, even in a correlative (and not causative) way, the pineal gland with dreaming.

To argue that it does more than regulate sleep (e.g. has a significant influence on dreaming), you will have to provide a peer-reviewed scientific paper which demonstrates evidence for precisely this. Science is not a guessing game.

and everyone knows, science rules

I clearly pointed out that i only think the pineal gland is related to dreams. Since it regulates sleep and visualize.

I suppose it plays a big role while doing WILD aswell, since it regulates sleep.

[i]the whole point of this message is this :

we are in a world where smoke and mirror hypnotism and peer pressure, force coercion greed and violence suppress truth because truth is not profitable, it is very trendy to make fun of people and not even know you are doing it, because of implanted and totally scripted suggestions through mis-education.

a direct example is the cartoon of prophet mohammed, there was a news personality who was absolutely saying “you don’t have freedom.” to person who made fun of jews, and he said “well people maek fun of blacks, there was no hostility here.” and yet this same person said to the person defended the one who made fun of mohammed saying , "well, what about freedom of expression? doesn’t this man have the right to make fun? " and his hypocrisy is split screened so you see him talking at the same time, telling one person YOU DO NOT HAVE FREEDOM and telling another YOU HAVE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, LEAVE THIS GUY ALONE,
this happens constantly on the news media ,
but this documentary is 100% negative and it is not entirely true, because it promotes religion in an odd way, and encourages people to be afraid of ufos, so i don’t really want you to watch it, it will make you feel bad. but you can watch if you want to see.

ultimately it is few, those who use their minds, and many, those who open their minds to others, to be used

juvenile ego head butting ,

no one seems to understand but a few that the only knowledge that is not tyrannical and useless is intuition,

the pineal gland synthesizes light, period,
it is very obvious to those who know, and frankly those are the people that structured the society you are living within the confines of , and teaching you what to think is true, and punishing you with starvation, poverty, and Fs if you disagree.

think about peer review ? its bullshite
you go into someone elses territory and poke them you’re going to get one right back, fast,

now if these tools are sending emails back and forth discussing how they manipulate peer review, don’t you think maybe what you are taught isn’t true ?
or do you want to drink beer and fluoride and have tons of sex and get a machine gun and go to war?

fluoride may have practical applications but not when drunk and take inside the body, it is not nutritious, this much is obvious.

forgive my crass nature

you want to talk about the pineal gland ? the all seeing eye on your dollar bill which says" a new world order " is symbolic of a pyramid made with the hands while sungazing, a masonic trick but not exclusive to them ? why
because with power they rule you and convince you god isn’t real while they do their rituals,

it doesn’t matter much longer, but stay out of what you disagree with or it will consume you completely, leave alone what you don’t agree with, its not your business to bully and regulate.

science only works without censorship, control, money, greed, and corruption,
you will be amazed, research nicola tesla if you love science, look at what he did, and look what jp morgan did to him,

most of you have no idea there is a spiritual dimension of endless bliss happiness and joy , yet you pursue lucid dreaming looking for fulfillment,
isn’t that ironic? don’t you think?

i can’t flunk you ot of ld4all for disagreeing, or take your food away if your ideas are strange, i have no money to make from you, think about where you get your idea$ from
who fund$, and finances studies ?

who who, who who, pleased to meet you,

the moral of my story is i rarely use any sources other than myself because i know what i am talking about, and if there is something i don’t know about, i don’t tell people they are wrong when i don’t know what they are talking about at all in the first place,

Great post Presence of Light :smile:

thank you,
i think the pineal is related to dreams but not directly, more related to sleep and energy levels, i think the pituitary is responsible for the formation of dream images? my reasoning is esoteric of course :smile:

metaphysically the pituitary = psychic awareness , and pineal = spiritual light (the experience en-light-enment )

[url=Ad hominem - Wikipedia]Ad hominem fallacy.

Show evidence for this; show that no non-intuitive knowledge is useless and tyrannical.

How do you know? Show evidence that demonstrates how you know.

What people? You didn’t specify. In addition, demonstrate a valid generalization that “those people” tend to punish those who disagree with starvation and poverty.
If you are talking about teachers, ask any science teacher this - “How do you know that what you teach me is true? How do I know?” He or she will most likely respond “Because anybody can replicate the experiments that substantiate evidence for this. If you disagree with me, try it for yourself - all types of valid science always have replicatable experiments.”

Not unless it is scientific. Peer-review ensures that scientists have not made mistakes in their deductions and experiments. If scientific peer-reviewers disagree it isn’t because they have an emotional opposition: they always have reasons and most importantly evidence for disagreeing, which other people can confirm as well.
Your link goes to a video with Glenn Beck, who manages to “prove” what he proves in the video using emotions. He has neither sufficient valid evidence nor are his arguments free from logical fallacies. Any conclusion can be reached with emotions - thus it is not a valid form of reasoning. Observe:

Valid form of reasoning? Not really.

What are you talking about? I cannot discern what point you are establishing or the grammatical structure of this paragraph.

In short, don’t disagree? Why?

Yes, science works absolutely best without censorship and control.
What is the point you’re trying to propagate with this?

Provide evidence that this spiritual dimension exists.
Lucid dreaming can be done and is being done without the need for spirituality. If you want to prove it otherwise, present evidence.

What is your point? Disagreements are usually solved through discussion, not through physical confrontation… I do not understand what argument you are making here.

It does not matter if you know what you’re talking about; what matters is that you can prove your statements with evidence.
I didn’t know anything about the pineal gland before entering this topic. However, that does not imply that I can point out the logical fallacies made. I didn’t have to know anything about the topic - it could be about anything - the logical fallacies are still there.

I suspect that you will provide another emotional response, which, unless it actually contains valid, sequitur logic I suspect I will not really bother to reply to point out additional fallacies.

This thread is getting off topic. I don’t have much time right now, though I will do more when I return from class.

Now, on topic, if you don’t believe the pineal gland effects dreaming, the fact is; it is a key component in making melatonin in your brain (aka sleep chemicals). Do a quick web search for pineal gland and sleep. Also, search for pineal gland and fluoride. Fluoride does build up in the pineal gland over time, and it is believed to be harmful.

Also, if you want the “citable” sources, use Google Scholar search or equivalent and I think you will find about the same results.
Nice article about the situation, but for some reason it throws 2012 in there :uh:

The only thing I know about the Pineal gland is that it stores DMT which your body naturally produces because your body uses it as a neurotransmitter … and when you die, or think you’re going to, the DMT gets dumped into your system causing you to trip and see “the tunnel of light”, which is a common hallucination that most people have when they do DMT. Look up Dr. Rick Strassman. …

… That and it stores melatonin that has a lot to do with puberty.

Here, I found some articles on fluoride and the Pineal Gland:

To be honest, I doubt it’ll be tragically destroyed unless you decide to guzzle fluoride. And even then, you don’t have to worry about your dreams.