pineal gland

ive heard something that bothred me about the penal gland… it can be damaged by floride, electronics, tap water, tea, and anything else. please tell me it cant cause permnent damage, or atleast that the penal gland isnt responsble for dreaming?

it seems everything we come in contact with is bad for our penal gland, and ive heard some of it can cause permenent damage. give me some goodnews, i hate to thing i may never be able to ld again.

you love to destroy yourself with pessimism kava

whats a penal gland?

the penal gland is responsble for pychic abiletys it is the third eye, and its located in the center of the brain. presence of light, you are right, but ive allways thought that LD is too good to be true, and ive allways had a paranioia that the government dosnt want us lding, and now it seems they have done it. i know its silly, i wish i had never seen what i saw, because now its going to affect my DR. So now i need help to get back on track. somepne please help. im angry now, and im on the verge of giving up LDing. please help. there has to be something you can tell me to put me balanced. i wasnt looking for bad news. i was searching melatonin, and i found a web page that had all this negative news about things that destroy the penal gland. pretty much everything we come in contact with. please tell me something good, or the government will win. i hate being a paranoid concpirasist. so do you have anything?

well I don’t really see how stuff can affect a gland that’s in the middle of your brain. I’m studying to become a doctor, and I’ve read up a lot on the brain-everything that goes up there first goes through a complicated filtering process, because if it didn’t then you would have a lot of junk in your brain and it wouldn’t be able to function. Next, if anything was affecting your brain, than you wouldn’t be having any dream recall. If you had normal dream recall before you read about it, it’s okay. Also, It wouldn’t be possible for only one gland in the brain to be affected and not the others, so if you aren’t having any other problems, there’s no reason to beleive that your penal gland is affected also.

Hope I calmed you down a bit :smile:

thanks you did. i have been having good DR. i hate my parania, i just wish i could relax, and not worrie about some of the silly shit i worrie about.

you are too paranoid. And a pessimist. I would recommend joining an optimist club. I’ve heard they turn the worst criminals into happy optimists, not that you’re a criminal or anything :smile:

Its PINEAL gland not penal.

I’ll say, we always think of the government experimenting every kind of mind control trickery, or trying to limit our mental possibilities with waves, satellites, and whatnot. But what should be the reason for that? The media are already doing it for them!
Seriously, consumism is pretty much a trap that makes people inside happy of being caged, and keeps them inside of their own will, so what’s more to want? If people are used to the advertisement statements for directing their lives, the government doesn’t need that much effort to put their affirmations in the mix and keep the masses under control.
Plus, if someone discovers the whole thing and goes for a healthier, saner lifestyle, and they actively try to spread the word, they mostly get ignored, addressed as society freaks, so no need for anyone in the higher places to worry, taking care of them would only bring interest and/or worry in the masses, and media coverage is the last thing they want there. Best way of dealing with the problem is ignoring it completely, seriously.
So, if you happen to be one of those looking for a better way to live your life, good news: you can be completely free of any of the influences that they try to impose on you just by switching the TV off, and trying to ignore the advertisements all over the place (or rather, be aware of them, so you can actively filter them out).

If you want some instant positive change in your life, start eating less meat. A lot less meat. Seriously.

I wrote a whole post but then saw it didn’t really make sense :tongue: this is better, I think:

Before you read all that stuff you could dream and have LD’s, right? The fact that you read it won’t change that. If you believe in the conspiracies, that floride, eletronics, etc can damage your pineal gland then I guess it’s already damaged :sad: BUT you can dream and have LD’s. Imagine what your dreams would be like if you got away from all the things that damaged it!

I changed to fluoride free toothpaste about a month ago because apparently its bad for your pineal gland. Haven’t really noticed anything yet but i will probably use it for the rest of my life. Tastes much better aswell. Most child toothpaste has no fluoride.

Never heard about tea and electronics, but there are water fluoridation in some countries “to give us better teeth”. I heard 99% of europe have rejected water fluoridation, here is a map of US water fluoridation. There are world maps aswell but didn’t find one now.
There are alternatives to tap water if you don’t want it fluoridated. is the only one i know about.

Here are some more information on fluoride from a kinda spiritual forum:

I guess I musy apologize for my generic, uninformed post grom before. Seems like I don’t really don’t know much about the US; and on a side note, I threw my toothpaste in the bin, and plan to get a fluoride-free one today.

you seek out this information like an addiction you know ? you don’t seek out this information, you seek out positive information, you are positive and happy because you focus on pleasing things every day you know? you are negative and miserable because your focus amplifies a spark into a fire if you fret and refuse to put your boot down on it, so put some happy shoes on

its all about gradients of focus, the internet is only idea portals to futures that can only exist through yOur consent, nothing is true in and of itself its all HIStory

if we see someone is using patterns and we point our finger and condem them for diagnosis and treatment they cannot be healed, because we are vibrating at the level of their disease, and are part of their problem, us, the supposed “helpers”

a true doctor views his patients as being well and works them into seeing that the way he does, in love, while also doing gentle corrections as needed, but always knowing no matter what, its all a joke, its :happy: god = god :happy:

but as a healer its
:happy: god = god [masks :cry: :sad: :content: ] :happy: (hehe i’m tricking you even if i don’t know it!)

the mantra Om
or the hare krishna mantra, or probably hebrew mantras, can overcome any amount of anything, opening the doors, period, exclamation mark, etc ! (… ! )

you can also heal the pineal gland through sungazing at the rising sun the way hrm describes to at solar healing center (web google) , making sure the bare feet are on earth, being patient unlike i have been at times,
and also moongazing works the pituitary,

the sun and moon are powerful sources of energy the human can easily absorb into the body through eyes, but must start with baby steps if using sun.

disciplined silent repetition of “Om,Om,Om,Om” in the mind over time will bring light into you.

There is no evidence that the Pineal gland has anything to do with either consciousness nor dreams. The idea that it does is pure speculation. It’s position in the centre of the brain does not mean it has a central role to play. There is no evidence that there is any centre for dreaming. Consciousness is highly associated with activity in the frontal lobes. There is also no evidence that psychic abilities even exist.

That doesn’t mean that fluoride and other poisons are not bad for the brain. They are, but still that doesn’t mean there is a conspiracy to suppress lucid dreaming, or anything else. The reason water is fluoridated in the US is that the aluminium industry produces a afluoride compound as waste, and instead of paying alot of money to get rid of it, they made a deal and sell it to be put in drinking water, because fluoride kills Karies. Ofcourse, that is only good when you apply it directly to your teeth, if you swallow it, it can actualy damage your teeth, and cause skeltal cancer and other ailments, including neurological- and brain damage. But the amount in the drinking water is very small. 1 part per million in the US, I think.

Could it affect your ability to have lucid dreams? It is conceivable. The Nazis put fluoride in the water supply for mind control purposes. The Idea I think is to lower brain function a little. Could the current use of fluoride in drinking water be part of a conspiracy? Sure, if it works. But so far we don’t really know if it does. And if it is a conspiracy, I doubt the evil overlords have any interest in what goes on in our dreams.

The effect of electronics on the Pineal gland, I am guessing have to do with light. The light that comes into your eyes affects the Pineal gland and if you have alot of light coming into your eyes at night, when it should be dark, you are tricking the Pineal gland into thinking it is daytime. That screws with your sleep and could affect your ability to have lucid dreams because it affects sleep itself. Still, many people manage to have lucid dream despite the electronic equipment. There is a certain amount of radiation and electromagnetic fields associated with electronics. How they affect the brain is uncertain. There is still debate about whether cellphones cause brain tumors or not.

You can worry yourself sick thinking about possibilities. But take a step back and feel! Do you feel like your affected by things, or do you feel alright? If you are affected, is it so bad? Aren’t everybody exposed to basically the same things you are? Do they seem affected? I know that the water in Sweden has 1.5 ppm of sodium fluoride in it, if not more. I still drink it. I still use toothpaste with 1450 ppm. It doesn’t seem to change anything. Perhaps I am slowly damaging myself doing so, but it doesn’t appear to be anything dramatic.

You can’t avoid everything you know. Alot of people drink alcohol. It causes brain damage every time. Some people drink a whole lot. Yet they still don’t damage their brains so severely that they become handicapped. Ok, sometimes the extreme drunkards do. But the point is. A little damage here and there is not that big a deal. Your brain will fall apart eventually anyway. It’s natural. You can’t preserve our brain. If you want to salvage as much as possible you would need to wear a helmet all the time, and not move very much. It’s no way to live.

Even though its just a theory, I don’t think its worth risking it. Global Warming is a theory but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care about it. Changing toothpaste isn’t hard and can have other benefits too.

I try to avoid problems as much I can without causing new problems. Something can get stuck in your throat when you eat and you die but that doesn’t mean you should stop eating.

AAAH. My eyes burn everytime someone says this.

Theories are established facts of great scientific credibility and backed up by large amounts of evidence. Hypotheses are suppositions, credible guesses, if you will. Never say “It’s just a theory” because if something is a theory then it is greatly scientifically established.

If this supposition you’re talking about isn’t a theory in the first place, then you can say “It’s just a hypothesis” but never say the above.

Well, everything is a theory (except hypothesis then), some just have more proof then others. Atoms, big bang, law of physics, God. All theories.
I myself consider the “fluoride-theory” having enough “proof” that its worth avoiding it.

Here is a short clip about conspiracies that explains that well.

No! Everything is not “a theory”. Just like I explained above, you are using the term incorrectly. Only hypotheses that have been proven through the scientific method and backed up by considerable evidence may be called scientific theories. In everyday terms people say “I have a theory” but that usage of the word is wrong in your context.

Wikipedia explains here that the usage of the word “theory” is disputed, and that it may be interpreted differently in different cases. But you used “theory” in reference to global warming which indicates that you were thinking of a scientific theory. A scientific theory is not “just a theory”, it is an extremely well-described phenomenon backed up with tons of evidence.

(On a similar note for you: global warming is not “just a theory”, it has been a countless number of times proven to exist and be human-influenced by hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific articles in scientific journals like Nature)

I understand how you think and i think you’re right. But as wikipedia say, “the usage of the word “theory” is disputed”, when people say theory they mostly mean hypothesis.

Still even the most conclusive scientific proven “theory” can be proven wrong.

(Also, there are lots of scientists who doesn’t agree agrees that humans are the main cause for global warming )