Im not surprised to see alot Floyd fans here like “Darksider”, because pink floyd is a very spiritual band. The band has been a teacher in my life, and Ive learned alot. Pink Floyd gives you the cold hard reality of life, but they were never about giving up. Dark side of the moon has got to be one of the greatest albums, its all about finding balance in life. Being on the run, and taking time to breath. It talks about “Time” perception, and how it seems to speed up the older you get. It talks about fears of death, and money, and greed, war, and perception of seeing life through any color you like. In conclusion DSOTM is simply all you experiance in life, is who you are, and the challages you decide to make in life makes you stronger. One of my favorite lines is from “Eclipse”…“Everything under the sun is in tune, but the sun is eclipsed by the moon” I like it because, I suffer from depression, and it reminds me that the world is not as I see it, its just a temporary look though the eyes of the depression, depression is the moon which blocks my sun, and changes the way im looking at life.
There is no dark side of the moon really, matter of fact its all dark.
That used to be in my signature!
Yeah my favourite is DSoTM, the transition from “Speak to Me” to “Breathe” always reminds me of hypnagogic hallucinations!
It’s very hard to choose a favourite track, but “Us and Them” (since you didn’t mention it ) is just awesome work both lyrically and musically! It basically talks about how stupid war is: “With, without, And who’ll deny it’s what the fighting’s all about?”
But also “The Wall” had a deep impact on me, the way it views the repressing social system being reflected into the educational systems, and how humans are turning to mere money collecting machines, how celebrety is turning into dictatorship,… and all the stress from society forcing people to build walls around themselves in fear of being “exposed”… Of course with great music, as in “Comfortably Numb” and “Hey you” and “The Trial”…
I’m not really a Pink Floyd fan, but I agree : I find they were very very good and inventive, like Genesis (first albums), the Doors and the Beatles.
I’ve rather the Beatles : I find what they’ve musically done really impressive.
yeah pink floyd was uber-inventive, check out piper at the gates of dawn, that record came out before sgt. pepper and it was way more psychadelic. syd barret was a genius.