Are there any rules of piracy on this boards?
I mean, if I found a copy of, for example, EWLD in the web, I wouldn’t resist downloading it but I’d NEVER insert link on this boards. The same applies to cracked programs.
What do you think about it?
piracy is illegal. Nothing more needs to be said.
If it’s illegal or risks Q’s site being pulled it’s obviously not welcome.
- on a personal stand point i’m on a 50/50 ie: product based.
eg: i will download music and if i like 6songs from one album i would then purchase the album.
Ripping off games, books, programs i think is unneccessary. That said there are some rediculusly high priced programs like Maya which can cost £6000 yet the is 3DSMAX which many say is better and nearly £5500 cheaper, so in some cases i think piracy is the fault of the companies over charging but it’s never going to be “right”
If you’re going to talk about cracks, use e-mail… maybe we should look over that brainwave generator threads eh
Well, I’ve certainly bought a lot more CDs than I would have if it wasn’t for things like KaZaA. And I have downloaded a lot of old games semi-legally from websites like It’s semi-legal because the games aren’t being made any more, so it’s not really doing anyone any harm to download them. And I may or may not have downloaded a copy of Truespace from Kazaa. is completely legal as the companies in question have released their games as freeware or become defunct. I can count all too many games which I have been unable to find because they are old and their companies are still around (Simon the Sorcerer, BRIX I & II, some LucasArts adventure games, Jazz Jackrabbit…)
Well, I actually posted this because there are some links on this boards, for example to cracked version of bwgen, and recently someone posted a link to LaBerge’s “Lucid Dreaming” book. So I wanted to know what is mod’s policy about it.
Is there anything about piracy in forum rules?
…I’m not saint, but I don’t think that LD4all should have links like that. If I’m using illegal programs/music/etc., it’s my business and I will not share them on the forum.
How egoistic!
I am kinda split on this issue… Take for example tv episodes, the only way i am able to watch things like futurama, star trek, stargate, simpsons is to download them from the internet, this is cause no tv channels here air this series, so there is really no legal way at all to watch those series, even if i pay… Kinda unfair i think… i would happily pay to watch them on tv, if it just was possible.
You would? Well as far as i am aware, those series all have dvd’s of their episodes so all you have to do is order them from a store and buy a dvd player. There are also VHS copies of some series. You could probably find them on ebay. But i understand what you are going through as here in australia those shows are rarely on tv and when they are they are on close to midnight. But there is always the excuse that you wouldn’t have the money to buy those things and so you are not doing those companies out of any money because you can’t afford it.
The question isn’t whether it’s right or wrong.
It’s whether it is a risk to the future of the forums to have links to copyrighted material.
I’m thinking yes. People can always ask for an email if they want such things.
The dvds are not released before atleast YEARS after it has been aired on US/UK tv channels… Also count the fact that not all series is even released at all on dvd in europe… Luckily it is still legal to download tvseries, mp3 and movies here, you are just not allowed to share them. But that will change soon anyways… Then i will be a big bad criminal, just for watching my favorite tvseries… I remember someone said it was just as bad a terrorism
One thing i am really against, is making profits on selling “pirated” mp3s, games and so on… Those bastards who sell warez, is those who really should be caught…
You’re lucky… they could not release them at all. I get them via Amazon uk. Much cheaper too.
I watch them for free over air waves. Why is it a crime to watch it free over an internet connection? I’ve never paid to watch the Simpsons, nor have I been asked to.
ARRRRR!!! Shiver me timbers!
I watch them for free over air waves. Why is it a crime to watch it free over an internet connection? I’ve never paid to watch the Simpsons, nor have I been asked to.
good point dream addict.
As far as LaBerge’s book goes, in my mind selling scientific knowladge is a crime in itself and i have no problem “getting around” the perchusing of it. Anyway alot of us here participate in the lucidity institutes experiments, sometimes parcially do to reading his book so to get mifted about a link to a version of his book seems a bit odd when we contribute to his caus.
I agree with downloading music for free, The majority of muscitions money comes from touring. they only get a few cents from a record sale, its the producers that make all the money. If they start giving the artist more of it then i will support the artists by buying there albums.
TV shows agree with downloading because there free in the first place and if i can tape it off air then i see no reason why i shouldn’t be able to download. But you know their ganna say its still stealling because now they have those season box sets out.
The only thing i think they have a leg to stand on is on downloading movies. New movies that are in the theater. I don’t agree with that. If a movie hasn’t even come out yet.
It is indeed an interesting debate. But, when you think about it this entire site sort of comes close to copyright infringement. We all use terms like WILD, MILD etc. which are in EWLD. Where as the techniques that help people induce LD ‘s may not be the exclusive intellectual property of Stephan Laberge, the terms may be. ( I have not seen the link to EWLD you referred to)
By the way, the underdog site is not semi-legal it is in fact completely illegal.(I just went to check it out). They even say so in there own faq. It is just that the games are so old that noone is likely to come after you for downloading them.
I personaly have never used kaza or similar file sharing programs but, I don’t consider people who do to be committing a crime against humanity for doing so. It is unfortunate that these large companies charge such ridiculous prices for there products that it forces people into committing such acts of civil disobedience.