Pixelfest: Group Artwork

Just saw this on dA, looks like a great idea, thought ld4all might like to contribute :content:
themaninblue.com/writing/per … 004/11/12/
(A made the yellow dot in the middle of the blue area, if either of those are still there)

EDIT: Just more information, basically its a huge pallet made out of a bunch of pixels, ya know, little squares. Anyways your IP gets to submit one pixel to the picture a day, and hopefully people will come up with an end result of something more then just… nothing. :smile:

Awesome! What a great idea…

I’ll be visiting every day, maybe.

Oh… Fun idea! I just placed my pixel for today.

Wow, kinda…Messy. They should do it with a certain object in mind.

No one’s aloud to talk to each other though…

As of now I can make out a tree/bush, a sun, a blue… thing, and a… floating bush?