Has anybody heard anything about a twelfth planet in our solar system? Also called planet Tauboo, (I think I’ve got the name right). Or a possible close earthly encounter with this planet that will change things on earth as we know them? I found a few sites talking about the end of the world and stuff and I’m not sure whether to think I should pay attention to them or whether they’re just a bunch of people who don’t know what they’re talking about/have nothing better to do. Here’s the link if you’re interested.
First of all the planet is called nibiru which is a name the babylonians had for a tenth planet not twelfth an the babylonians had some very advanced noloedge of our solar system because many archeologists hav found a very detailed map on a babylonian structure of our solar system with a tenth planet, and recently scientists have found a tenth planet that make you wonder doesnt it…
Yeah, our solar system only has nine planets now, so it would be the tenth planet. Also, the Babylonians may have been advanced, but they didn’t have the astronomical viewing abilities we have now. I think we would have found “Planet X” by now.
Although that site was a delightfully comical read, I think it is rubbish. Polar shifts do not occur at 3000 year intervals or whatever that site said, and when they do happen, the planet doesn’t flip over, the polarity of the poles changes. Nothing else, no big deal.
And the “plantetary dust” that will be showered upon us, well, that would burn off in the atmosphere, not make our rivers run red, as documented in the Bible, which by the way, was no miracle. Those were minerals uplifted by the Nile during a wet season, as happens every few years.
And I’m no physicist, but I dont think the passage of a planet would make the earth stop moving, and If this actually were to happen, it would be better documented by our modern scientists and not ancient supersticion.
I would say this fellow who built that site has been seriously mis-informed.
There, thats my rant for today.
We have found a planet X, recently too, but they r debating wheather or not its a planet (opposed to a astroid) but yea and its is i believe smaller than pluto.
Cool. But if its in the Keiper(sp?) belt, I dont think we have to worry about it passing by us withing the near future.
you never know…
Yeah. I’ll just assume it’ll never happen to satisfy my feelings of self security.
Sorry about not explaining that, but it was called the twelfth planet by the Myans I think it was, who thought that the moon and sun were planets too. And you’re right, most of it did sound like crap, except that that wasn’t the only information I’ve heard about it, there are more sites, books even, predictions in the bible bla bla bla. Just that some of it sounded like it could really happen. I was just really warped when I posted this board, not to mention tired, but I’ve had some time to think about it now, and alot just doesn’t make since. Maybe I was kind of hoping for it … I don’t know …
The mayans also said that the earth would end the fifth and final time on December 22, 2012
over the past few decades planet “x” has been called many different things.
It was first believed to be a satelite orbiting Pluto (moon) then they decided no, it’s actually a planet. Then they decided it didn’t exsist at all, then it did and it was a planet, then a comet/meteorite.
who knows what they think now, maybe they should have asked “voyager” to take pics as it passed by.
i will pull out my old astrology books later and found out when it was first spotted i think it was the 1950 when they realised there deffinately was somet there that wasn’t just “planet O” (pluto).
well i read his site, and although overly paranoid he was right about one thing.
I have been feeling that something is wrong with the engery of the planet and that something big is indeed coming.
Though i doubt that it will be this, i won’t say never happen that’s tempting fate - and we all know it could happen nothing is imposible no matter how improbable.
But very interesting read whether taken as a paranoid nut or a joke lol.
The 12th planet was indeed called Nibiru by the Sumerians. The planet has an orbit of 3600 years around the sun.
Some (pseudo)scientists believe the planet will return during May 2003. The planet will come very close to the Earth, causing huge volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, polar shifts, etc… It is said that most governments are taking this very serious and that they are building giant underground bases to hide there when the catastrophy happens.
Although the Sumerians díd have a remarkable understanding of the movements of planets and stars, I think we must take these stories with a BIG pinch of salt.
Concerning the date of December 22, 2012 check this site: grahamhancock.com/forum/JenkinsJM2-p1.htm
It gives a very logical explanation for the end date of the Mayan calendar.
This site aruges against the Planet X theory. I think this link was posted by someone else somewhere already…
i guess i got the two ancient cultures screwed up lol srry
so ya i dont believe the crap that the scientists say.i think that a lot of scientists are full of crap and many are not.where do these scientist get the idea that our world is gonna end on a certain date,they just dont know the only one who knows is god.
You were right though
The Sumerians were the first civilization which came up with Nibiru. After them came the Assyrians and the Babylonians, who took over their major ideas about astronomy and other sciences, including Nibiru.
I read that badastronamy page, I think its pretty credibly. The site about the horrid doom of us all concerning this planet…
I’m no astronomer, but I have learned enough through my school that stuff like this just doesn’t go down like how they’ve described it. Think about it. If the planet was gonna pass by, be it an actual planet, comet, brown dwarf, what have you, we would be able to see it now. Hmmmm… I see no such thing in the sky.
Get this, there have been tonnes of predictions of anarchy or the end of the world before. I watched a whole talk show on theories of the world’s doom. Incidently, it was aired after all the “inciting incidents” were SUPPOSED to have taken place.
And remember Y2K. All ythe computers will go nuts! Nuclear missles will launch! Oh NO!
Didn’t happen that way.
And finally, I have a question for Insane_Goth. Could it be that these feelings of the energies of the planet being off or negative (I forget how exactly you said it) are due to the fact that we have wars and poverty and dought and huirricanes etc, etc, every day on this planet?
I’m not discouraging your intuitions or anything, I’m just suggesting an alternatiove reason for them.