plz help

when ever i do get some sleep and i dream and i wake up its like i never dreamed, like i never remeber anything, no details nothing… what should i do to help that?

I heard the best way to remember dreams is keeping a DreamJournal, although those don’t work very well if you never rember any dreams at all. What I would do then, is say to yourself and like meditate on it every night and say “Tonight I will remember my dreams, when I wake up I will remember and write it down in my DreamJournal,” or something like that. Remembering your dreams is the first step to becoming lucid. Good luck.

goto library and borrow some book on dreaming, by reading it everyday, and/or reading stuff in the net, you should start remembering more dreams slowly… By thinking about dreams and dreaming a lot you come more aware of them when waking up in the morning, thats how the dream diary works.
keep trying, and dont give up.

Try to lie still when you wake up, don’t say anything don’t move. Just lie still and try to remember your dreams. Even if you move or do somthing and you remember you should have stayed still just freeze and try to remember. If it don’t work just lie there for minutes and just try to remember, soon enough it will work.

According to the ‘coast to coast’ radio interview with Stephen LaBerge, if you don’t wake up directly from REM sleep, then there is a very little chance you will actually remember anything. Try setting your alarm for a certain time after you go to sleep, say 5 hours.

Also, make sure you are actually getting anough sleep to have long dreams. You need about 7 to 9 hours if you want to make sure. In fact, according to this same interview, after 10 hours the REM period reaches it’s highest level. That means if you can sleep for 10 hours, then wake up, you will certainly remember some very vivid dreams. Most people just dont have this amount of time though…