Poll: Lds

  1. Count me! :cool_laugh: Though, I think, every one had at least one, even if they don’t know much about it. I had had several before I heard about it, and so did my mother…
  2. 11 recorded… Plus about 5 I had before.
  3. Mine are very unstable. :sad: I usually go to my room, which is the most stable place, or say “Increase lucidity”. I also noticed that touching objects increases stability and realism, but I have not done it intentionally.
  4. Well, if I have a low-lucid dream, or a 3-seconds long dream, or a dream where I do something stupid, it is very disturbing. :angry: But if I have a real lucid dream… It’s cool! :cool_laugh:
  5. Not longer than 10 minutes, I think. Usually about 2 minutes, I think. If they are longer, I have enough time to lose lucidity and retrieve, but I don’t think I ever have a purely lucid dream longer than 5 minutes. I have no dream clock.
  6. When I am going to do something definite in a next lucid dream, I usually at least try to do it (though with little success). But there are so many things that I even didn’t try… My life will not be enough to do them all. :neutral:
  7. If “understand how” means some slight idea, then rather many, something like 20%, I believe. There are so many books, Internet sites and everything. But there must be not very many people who know about right techniques (not just the idea), tried them and succeeded… It depends on the place where you live. Here in Russia, the percentage must be very low, in Netherlands, for example, it can be higher… About 0.5% average, I think… I don’t know…
    6a. What I like to do in dreams… Certainly, I like flying, but I usually don’t have to do it intentionally, because all my wake-induced lucid dreams begin with flying. When I see nothing interesting to do, I just test reality checks. If I don’t know the place I got to, I try to explore and remember it… I try to summon a spirit guide or real person I know… Though nobody comes, something interesting usually happens nevertheless.

1.How many people here have actually had lds?

Me too!

2.How many?


3.How stable are they? What do you use to stablize them?

Varies from fleeting to rock solid. For me, when I enter a dream, I just need to keep calm and relaxed for dreams to stabilize. This is not that easy, as I tend to get adrenalin rushes that wake me.

4.How satisfying are they?

I don’t think they serve me any useful service - I just think they are fascinating and enjoyable. I sometimes try to get messages from my subconcious, but usually these are cryptic, so, in that respect, then they are pretty unsatisfactory.

5.How long are they?

Seconds, minutes really. Not many have lasted over an hour.

6.Did you get to do what you wanted?


7.How much of the population of the world actually understand how to invoke lds?

A small handful. Most people don’t even understand what they are. When you tell them it’s when you know that you are dreaming, most people say “I always know when I am dreaming!” - then they realise that they don’t and generally get confused.

Some people think it’s some kind of paranormal experience (which I absolutely don’t believe).

Some people deny that it’s possible (probably because they’re jealous!).

Isn’t that a bit of a sad view of the human race? Most people I’ve told simply say “Wow, so you can do anything? …Cool!” then lose interest.

You may find a relevant thread to continue the discussion in the Lounge. :smile:

1.yes i have them
2. about 50 in my life, ten or so this year
3. usually not stable. i tend to lose ludidity cause i dont have enough mental discipline
4.How satisfying are they? it varies, sometimes amazing, lately not so much
5.How long are they? varies, sometimes just a minute, siometimes ten or so but seems like i fade in and out
6.Did you get to do what you wanted? yes, though sometimes people would resist or things woud interfere
7.How much of the population of the world actually understand how to invoke lds? i imagine a very small percent

1.How many people here have actually had lds?
me :happy:
2.How many?
about 1-2 a week
3.How stable are they? What do you use to stablize them?
I really can’t seem to stabilize my dreams that well.
4.How satisfying are they?
5.How long are they?
1-5 mins
6.Did you get to do what you wanted?
? I don’t really have goals, I like following the plot of the ND.
7.How much of the population of the world actually understand how to invoke
not many I guess, I however have found 2 of my close friends to be freqint natural LDers. Kinda freaked me out at this point. My guess is that alot of poeple have LDs and don’t know what it is, also their low DR would help them forget.

Its too good to be true.
Its truly is too good to be true.
Its like free gas, or free money.

Jeff amazing! I know you in the forum as the “psychologist”, “i know every function of the brain and how it operates including the chemicals which take place every second of your life” :razz:

Your lucky … im yet to have my first